Chapter 32

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After I had awakened from my two-hour nap, I picked up my phone and found a message from my dad, who said he was well enough to talk to me about Gerard's request. I exhaled shakily and got up from the bed without managing to wake him.

I smiled softly at his peaceful form and pressed a small kiss to his brow. "I love you," I whispered against his skin.

I then walked out the door and called for a taxi to take me to the hospital, which wasn't that far from the hotel. The cab pulled up to the lobby after about five minutes, and I silently stared out the window for the whole ride.

Once I arrived at the hospital, I nervously made my way to his room and prayed to God that everything would go well. 

I reached his room and peeked through the doorframe. "Good afternoon, stranger," I greeted with a smile.

My dad glanced over at me and smiled back. "Hello, Ellie. Please come in."

I did so and sat down on the chair beside the bed. I quickly noticed how much healthier he appeared, which instantly made me feel more relaxed than ever before, but I still asked him, "How are you feeling?"

"Like a new man," he replied with a cheerful tone. "These doctors and nurses have been amazing to me."

"That is their job," I chuckled. "I would sue this place if they did otherwise."

Dad waved me off. "You don't need to worry, El," he smiled. "I've been perfectly satisfied here."

"Good," I nodded.

A few seconds of awkward silence passed by, but Dad broke it by saying, "So, I hear that Gerard wants you to move in with him after the production has finished?"

I fidgeted with my fingers as I mumbled a "yes" in response.

"This is a big step, sweetie," he remarked. "Are you sure that you're up for such a change?"

I bit my lip and paused a moment, then said, "As long as I have Gerard with me, I will feel perfectly comfortable with this. I feel safe when I'm around him."

Dad nodded as he processed the information. "I've seen the way he looks at you. He obviously loves you very much, El."

I blushed and looked away from him. "He's the nicest man I could ever hope for, Daddy," I said quietly. "You have no idea how much it would mean to me if I could live with the person I love."

He gave a small smile and patted my hand gently. "I know, my darling. I'm just worried that you'll be too overwhelmed by this new chapter of your life."

I stood up and took his hand in both of mine. "I will be alright," I assured him. "If I do get overwhelmed, Gerard will take care of me. He always does."

Dad gazed at me for a moment, then pressed a loving kiss to my forehead. "You have my approval, Ellie," he whispered. "I trust you both with all of my heart."

I hugged him tightly and whispered thanks multiple times. My eyes dripped with tears and soaked his hospital gown, but he rubbed my back carefree with a smile on his face. "I'm so happy for you, El," he said quietly. "So happy."

"Me too."

When I arrived back at my hotel room, Gerard was wide awake in the living room, watching an episode of Friends. He glanced over at the sound of the door opening and instantly stood up. "You're back," he smiled while gathering me into his arms. "I missed you."

"Why do you sound so relieved?" I asked with a chuckle, my voice muffled in his shirt. "Did you think I was going to leave?"

Gerard suddenly pulled back and looked at me with vulnerable eyes. "I'm always afraid you're going to leave," he replied in a quiet voice. 

I furrowed my brows and caressed the side of his face. "Why would you think that?" I asked softly.

He shifted his face and planted a tender kiss on my palm. "I worry that I'm not good enough for you," he whispered. "That you'll go off with someone else because I didn't love and protect you enough."

I looked at him with a shocked expression, my mouth gaping open. 

Leave him? How could he think such a thing when I clearly showed how much I loved him every day? I tried to find words to say, but I only remained in stunned silence.

Seeing my expression, Gerard's face dropped, and he instantly said, "No, no, no. I didn't mean it like that, Ellie."

I couldn't keep the hurt out of my voice as as I asked, "Then what did you mean?"

He kissed my forehead and pulled me into his chest, wrapping his strong arms tightly around me so that I didn't leave. "Please forgive me," he whispered in my hair. "I didn't say that right."

I slightly tried to get out of his grasp, but he kept me firmly against him and didn't let go. "Let me explain myself, Ellie. Please."

Gerard's pleading tone broke my heart into pieces, but I still felt hesitant when I pulled back to look at him. He searched my face with his beautiful green eyes and sighed. "I wasn't accusing you of anything, my Angel," he replied. "I was accusing myself of not being good enough for someone as amazing as you. You deserve to have someone who can give you everything you could ever want, and I worry that I'm not doing that for you."

The feeling of hurt immediately dissipated at his words, and I was left with a guilty knot in my stomach. "Oh, Gerard," I breathed. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"Shh," he cooed. "It's alright. I understand why you were upset. I was a fool for saying what I said."

"No, you weren't," I shook my head. "I should've realized that before I jumped to any conclusions."

He smiled softly and kissed my forehead again. "Don't worry about it. I'm not blaming you."

I sighed. "You're way too forgiving, you know that?" I stated.

"You didn't do anything wrong, love," he chuckled quietly. "I'm the one who made the mistake here. Besides, you're too sweet of a girl to ever behave badly."

I blushed and kissed his cheek to distract myself from turning bright red. "I would never leave you, Gerard," I said, caressing his jaw with my thumb. "You are everything I could ever want in a man, and I mean that with all of my heart. You don't have to be perfect for me. I just want your love in return."

Gerard hugged me to his chest and kissed the top of my head. "I love you, my Angel," he whispered into my hair.

I listened to his strong heartbeat and said, "I love you, too. More than you could know."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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