forty seven

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"I can't believe you didn't go," Logan pointed out, sipping her drink on the couch, while Jack sat at the bar, and I was sitting in a chair of hers. We were in the same room I took Ariana in, the day of my party. But was kinda dark, since it was later in the day, and my sisters were drinking away.

"I wanted her to have fun," I shrugged, feeling the cool water bottle rest in my hands, despite the room feeling perfect, "We've barely talked since she left, but I'm happy she's able to get a break, you know? She deserves that."

"What if she cheats on you?"

"Jack," Logan blurted, sending a look to her older sister.

"It's true,"

"Ariana wouldn't do that," I defended, shaking my head, "I get it, but she's not like that, I love her, she wouldn't."

"I'm sorry, it's just Bella. She's been acting weird ever since she came back from Paris, I don't know if she's tired of me or what, but I can't stand it."

"Have you tried talking to her?"

"She's been spending her time with family, so I haven't really gotten a chance,"

I frowned, "Why didn't you offer to go with her?"

"Wouldn't that be weird?"

"You literally have a kid together,"

"A dog," She corrected.

"Either way, she's your girlfriend, you're gonna have to meet them," Logan added, "I was nervous to meet Liam's parents, but look how we turned out,"

"On the brink of calling off your engagement?" I blurted, earning a laugh from Jack, "Ariana's dad doesn't even like me and our relationship couldn't be better. Maybe you should show her that you're in it for the long term, maybe she questions that. Or maybe she's pulling away for her sake, either way, don't let her go,"

"Wise words coming from you," Jack smiled, messing with her glass, "What if you hadn't let Madelaine get away?"

"I wouldn't have met my wife."

"See," Logan said, rolling her eyes at Jack.

"You're not one to talk, what's going on with you two?"

"I have no idea,"

"How? Where's Liam?"

"Probably in Australia, we haven't spoken,"

"Guys, we suck," Jack sighed, "We're all not on speaking terms with them?"

"Ari and I are fine, she's just busy—"

"Or fucking some Italian man with dark hair and a thick beard,"

"What the fuck?"

"It's true!"

"Maybe this is why Bella's acting like that with you, every time someone leaves, it doesn't mean they're cheating. I get why you wouldn't trust my girl, but Bella is yours, dude,"

Logan laughed, "She has a point, J,"

"I know," Jack said, downing her drink.

"I wanted to tell you guys first, that I'll be spending a while in Australia. Liam decided to stay here so that I could be closer to my family and I think now is the best time to return that favor. I love him and I don't wanna make him feel like he has to choose between his family or me,"

"Damn, I'll miss you, Lo," my little sister was the first to say, "It'll be weird without you both, Greyson's leaving for a press tour,"

"We're never leaving you, Jack, it's only temporary," I smiled, looking between my sisters, "We'll all be home for Christmas,"

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