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McKennas POV

"McKenna , Thomas is here!" "What?!" I shouted standing up "where?" Aris had me follow him.

Guys kept trying to grab me but I shoved them away I seen Thomas fall down "THOMAS!" I screamed running over.

I shook him trying to get him to wake up. "Thomas!" I shouted "Aris help me!" I lifted him up when Brenda came over acting weird "what did you do?!" I shouted at her.

Brenda looked at me scared and confused.

I didn't know if I could trust Brenda I helped Thomas with Aris to the room we were at.

Thomas suddenly jolted awake from his sleep "hey hey you're okay" I said playing with his hair he smiled up at me with teary eyes.

"we have to stop meeting like this greenie" I joked with the name to cheer him up.

He smiled a bit at me before reaching his hand up to play with my hair "you're okay" he said "yeah why wouldn't I be?" I giggled.

He looked at me confused.
"Welcome back you ugly shank" Minho says coming over.

Thomas groans getting up. Brenda was staring at us weirdly I wondered what her problem was.

"I suggest that you talk YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Jorge yelled before punching the man.
I looked over at Newt who came up next to me.
"Damn it!" "You're going to have to leave my house" the man said.

"Looks like you've been having fun" Newt said to Thomas with a knowing look.

I was confused on what happened I looked between Thomas and Brenda, she only glared at me.

"Listen, I don't enjoy hurting you." Jorge said. "Okay?"

Jorge paused "where is the Right Arm Marcus?""He asks.

"This is Marcus?" Thomas asks hesitantly.

I went away from the group and started coughing and hacking "you okay?" Newt asked coming over.

I looked behind me seeing Brenda stare at me with wide eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine" I wiped my mouth and watched the scene unfold.

"Are you the brains of the operation" Marcus said.

"I know you know where they're hiding" Jorge threatened.

"So you tell me" Jorge said.

"I'll make you a deal you can come with us" Jorge mentioned.

He laughs "I burnt that bridge a long time ago" Marcus replied.
"Besides" "i made my own deal you're the one who taught me. Never miss an opportunity." He laughs evilly.

"What's he talking about?" Newt speaks up.

"I'm talking about supply and demand WICKED wants all the immunes they can get." "I help provide that for them."
"So I lowered the kids in they get drunk they have a good time and later WICKED comes in they separate the wheat from the chaff."  He continued to laugh.

I rolled my eyes leaning against the wall behind me groaning quietly from the pain in my leg.

It seemed to have been getting worse.

"I change my mind hermano" Jorge said.

"I do enjoy hurting you" Jorge kicked him really hard.
Marcus fell back screaming.

Jorge went up to him "TALK, TALK!" He orders.

"Okay. Okay Jesus!" Jorge was choking him.

"But I'm not making any promises. These guys like to move around." Jorge pulled him up.

"They have an outpost in the mountains. But it's a long way away." He mentioned.

He gave me a knowing look I looked away.
"You got have of WICKED on your ass you're never gonna make it."

Encouraging. Very encouraging I thought sarcastically.

"Not on foot" Jorge mentioned smirking.

"Where's Bertha?" He asked.

Marcus was hesitant "Not Bertha"

Jorge drove us in a vehicle I sat in between Thomas and Newt my head laying on Thomas besides me he seemed very awkward since he left the party I didn't know what happened.

Newt just seemed really happy holding my hand. But lately I've been feeling more tired and weak.

I didn't want to tell them. I don't want them worrying about me right now.

Jorge stopped on the side of the mountain.

Newt helped me get out of the vehicle.
All of us were out and started walking slowly there was cars blocking our path.

"Well I guess we're on foot" Jorge said.

I was limping slightly while walking forward with the group.

Jorge looked in a trunk to find nothing.

I felt eyes on me with I turned my head seeing Travis stare at me.

Newt looked in the vehicle, I looked away from him awkwardly and looked ahead.
Thomas came over to me placing a hand behind my back.

He moved me away gently from the car noticing a bullet hole.

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