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Thomas POV
"But that's the catch isn't it. She will always need more" the women said
"Let's go outside let her rest." She said.

She led Newt out he looked hesitantly back at me and her before leaving "Thomas. You know she can't come with us right?"the women said.
I stared at her in shock. No..... she has to I have to convince them too...

"Isn't there a way?" I asked she shook her head no sadly before leaving.

I watched her feeling like it's my fault I didn't protect her everyone's going to be mad and it's going to be my fault.

I sat up putting my jacket on, "Thomas" she whispered I went over playing with her hair "Hey" I said "I'm sorry" she whispered.

"No... don't be sorry it's not your fault. But why didn't you tell me?" I asked.
"I didn't want you guys to worry about me." She laughs a bit. "You were worried about Winston and the others as it is"

McKennas POV

I woke up seeing Thomas "Thomas" "hey" he came over and played with my hair. "I'm sorry" I whispered.

It was my fault for not telling them sooner.

"No... don't be sorry it's not your fault but why didn't you tell me?" He asks. "I didn't want you to worry about me" I laughed a bit.  "You were worried about Winston and the others as it is"

"I'm always going to worry about you" he whispered playing with my hair.

I looked at him in the eyes I was feeling extremely better which felt weird. Since it felt like the changing was going to happen.

"I heard what you said" I whispered.

He looked at me confused, "I love you too" I said he smiled a bit looking down before looking at me again he leaned in gripping my cheek gently and kissed me passionately, I kissed him back.

I smiled pulling away from him he plays with my hair "I'm sorry I didn't protect you." He whispered.

"Thomas you can't protect everyone" I said sadly. "You got me this far" I mentioned smiling.

"If it makes you feel better I feel so much better" I said he looked at me confused on how that was possible.

He went over to my leg seeing it was almost fully healing.

"Thomas" I said "Do you think there is a cure?" I whispered "maybe" he said smiling sadly.

"Get some sleep" he whispered kissing my forehead before leaving.

I heard talking outside hearing Newts voice.
Newt soon came in.

"Newt" I smiled sitting up.

Newt came over quickly putting me back down on the bed "hey love you need to rest" he chuckled playing with my hair.

"But you're here so I can't" I laughed he laughed at that too. He played with my hand "What's this" he noticed a bracelet "I don't know came up with me in the box" he read it whispering "property of WICKED Subject A10" he looked at me confused.

I shrugged "doesn't matter anymore we're our aren't we?" I smiled he smiled back "yes. And free" he smiled at me. He soon kissed my cheek.

I felt my eyes slowly close feeling tired as I let darkness consume me.

It felt like only a few minutes later when I heard yelling.

"MCKENNA!" I heard someone calling my name I got up quickly. It sounded like Thomas "Thomas??!" I yelled I went out he quickly dragged me with him. "What's going on?!" "WICKED!" He yelled.

I looked at him shocked "Travis he betrayed us!" He yelled I didn't know what to feel.

I felt betrayed. Anger. Sadness. Confusion on what was going on.

There was fire and explosions going on I felt like I couldn't process anything all I could do was follow Thomas.

A bunch of guards were shooting at people.

"NEWT?!" I yelled I tried looking for him.

Thomas dragged my hand with him, we soon hid behind a box he tossed me a gun he found near by luckily has ammo.

I started shooting at them I looked around for Newt and the others I seen them in the distanced. "NEWT!" I shouted. Jorge and Brenda soon came over trying to stop us and get us to go with them.

"We have to help them!" Thomas said "no no we can't help them!" Jorge said "THEYRE MY FRIENDS IM NOT LETTING THEM DIE ALONE!"
I shouted at Jorge with pure anger.

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