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It felt like a while, all I heard was his breathing and it felt very tense in the vehicle; while they drove us to wherever we were going.

Thomas looked at me with concern, probably making sure I'm okay, but I wasn't. I didn't feel safe.
I heard the other vehicles stop and I sat up more wondering where we were at.

Our vehicle stopped another man with a mask opened the door, "get out!" He yelled at us. Thomas and Brenda out I got out quickly; with Thomas holding me close.

The man that was staring at me, went to come forward to me but stopped himself. I was majorly confused on what was going on.

The other vehicle arrived and came to a harsh stop.

The vehicle was shaking like something was going on inside.
I wasn't paying attention the guy that kidnapped me had a staring contest with me.

The doors bursted open one of the men with the mask; fell out I looked over seeing Jorge punching him.

"Where is she?!" Jorge yelled.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" "Oh shit!" Thomas yelled. I ran over with Brenda and Thomas, but Thomas and I got stopped by two guards.

One held me by my shirt; "get your hands off!" The one guard that kidnapped me ordered, he let go of me. I looked at him confused.

Newt stepped back as well, I wanted to go over and hug him make sure he was okay. Newt looked over at me with a sigh of relief; seeing I was. I smiled at him awkwardly.

"I'm right here, I'm right here!" Brenda yelled trying to get him to stop, Jorge stopped punching the man and stood up after realizing.

"Everybody relax! We're all on the same side here!" The man that kidnapped me yelled.

"What do you mean same side? who the hell are you?" Thomas yelled; shoving the guard off him.

The man stared at me, making everyone look at us confused. He turned his head, taking his mask off.

I stared at him in shock my mouth slightly open,  he... he's alive... "McKenna" Gally said to me.

"Gally..." I whispered in shock, stepping forward.

He stared at me with so many different emotions in his eyes; loving; hurt; pain; happiness; sadness.  "no way.." I heard Frypan say with confusion.

I didn't know what to do, but my body made me step forward a bit, like I wanted to hug him and see if he really was real.

Gally continued to stare at me; it felt like ages while, I felt my eyes tearing up with disbelief; Thomas soon moved me out of the way; running up and punching him, "GALLY!" I shrieked.

"THOMAS! WAIT!" Frypan yelled trying to stop him.

I ran over trying to get Thomas off him,  Newt also came over.
"Thomas please!" I begged a few tears slipping.

"Stop it's alright!" Gally ordered his men.
"Stop, stop, stop!" Newt ordered him, putting his hand in front of Thomas and Gally.

I knew Thomas was jealous, I knew he was mad about everything Gally had done; Thomas looked at me.
"I know why you're mad" Newt said looking at him and then me "but.. I also remember that he was stung and half out of his mind." "Just calm down if not for me for McKenna please" Newt begged, I held onto Gallys arm looking at Thomas with begging eyes

"Please Thomas." I said whispering with a few tears slipping.
Thomas looked at me slowly letting go. I knew he was angry and possibly; now at me. But Gally was alive and so many other things were happening right now.

Thomas looked at me and him with anger. Gally stood up looking at me; while rubbing his chin.
Newt pulled me back next to him.

I could tell Gally was in disbelief about everything; I knew he felt like this was a dream.

"Kinda had that coming." Gally said suddenly.

He sighed looking at us, "anybody else? Fry. Newt? McKenna?" He asked looking at me directly.
"Do you know this guy?" Jorge asked us.

"He was the love of my life" I whispered Gally looked hurt at what I said.

Newt looked at him confused, " is this possible? We watched you die!" Newt asked.

"No you left me to die. McKenna stayed. She was the only one that truly cared for me." Gally said almost with anger.

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