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"Listen uh...he doesn't get a lot of visitors so let me do the talking alright?" Gally asked.

I looked at Newt, he gently took my hand smiling at me sadly, I smiled back a bit "and try not to stare" he mentions.

We followed him to a room, "rose took my nose, I suppose rose took my nose, I suppose" I heard someone whispering.

I looked at Newt confused, the man continued talking to himself until he noticed us.

"Gally" the man spoke up.

"Glad to see you make it back. I see you got a pretty one." The man laughed looking my way.

Gally changed topic quickly after looking at me, "it was a slaughter." He said looking around.
"Therese nothing we can do against those guns."

"No..." the man commented. "But they can only poke the hornets nest so long..." the man replied.
"Before they get stung." He said soon smelling his rose.
"Now, who are these people? Why are they here?" The man asks.

"We need to get into WICKED." Thomas spoke up stepping forward.

I walked up next to him, "Gally said you can get us through the walls?" Thomas asked.

The man looked at us, "Gally should know better than to make promises, that he can't keep." I looked at Gally he looked back at me then down.

"Besides, that wall is only half of your problem. Getting inside WICKED, is impossible." The man said.

Gally looked at him, "there might be a way now. But it doesn't work without McKenna and Thomas." He looked at me.

"Is that so?" The man smirks.

He inched forward to us, I was standing in between Gally and Thomas feeling awkward by the tension.

"Do you know what I am?" The man asked me.

"McKenna?" He calls looking at me. He gets in my face making me stay still.
"I am a businessman."

I could tell Gally was tensed, because I felt him slightly move but the man stepped back, which means that I don't take unnecessary risks."

"Why should I trust you?" He asked me.

"Cause I can help you" I replied.

Thomas looked at us questionably; "you see, if you can get us through those walls. Or even just me. I can get you what you want." I said finally.

"What is it you think I need?" The man asked.

"Time. Every last drop." I said.

He nodded looking me up and down, "seems you do as well deary." He smirks he looks at Gally.

"Is that what I need?" "WICKED has something we both want." I said trying to reason with him.

"I'll tell you what." The man looked at me. "Three can go for now. The rest stay down here with me. Just a little insurance to make sure you find your way back." I looked at Thomas and at Newt.

"We have a deal?" He asked.

He put his hand out and I took it, he smiled at me "Gally show your lover and friends the way."

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