Chapter 1

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Luke Pov
      I followed that guy like Bowman said. It wasn't that hard since he never noticed me. I have this talent for following people without them noticing that why Bowman ask me to go. When I finally get to Richard house, a women greeted him and he kiss her. I decided to get closer to the house. I creeped along the trees till I could see into their kitchen. Luckily for me they left the window open. "how was work dear" the mysterious women said "busy as usual, mark had me stay late to go over the books" Richard said with a sigh. He took off his hat and coat to hang on the rack. He then preceded into another room. A few moments later he came out to see his wife fixing him a plate of food. "I see she sleeping soundly" Richard said to his wife "You know your daughter, she wanted to wait until you got home but she fell asleep soon after saying that" his wife said laughing. So he have a wife and a child, interesting. This thought made me laugh.
      When I saw the moon was at its peak I decided to make my way home. When I got home I saw bowman was sitting in a chair with a hard look on his face. When he notice I was there he said "what did you find out" "he live on the outskirt of town eastward past the doctor mason place" I stated as if I was giving a report. "is that all" "no it seem he have a wife and daughter" I said with a smirk. Bow had a thoughtful look upon his face before it instantly turned into a smile  "hmmm we can use that"  "another thing what are we going to do with Louis he want to help" "he to fragile and this plan could get us possibly killed" I said angry at the thought of including him. "I know but we gotta let him grow up and besides maybe his first kill could be the thing to break him out of his shell" Bow said standing up and heading towards his room. I nod my head and went towards my room. I soon dozed off to sleep.
Louis Pov
    I woke up to the sun in my face. Then it hit me like a train that I was late for school. I run through the house trying to put on clothes. I stop by Luke room to see he if he still asleep. No surprise that he was. I yelled "Luke get up we late for school" "shit" Luke exclaimed falling off his bed. " Bowman get up" Luke yelled over the bannister and we all heard a thump. Afterwards we was all out the door with bowman making sure we had our lunches.  
        When we got to the schoolhouse the teacher said " your 10 minutes late boys" "sorry we overslept Miss Marie" "it ok don't let it happen again". With that the lessons sped by quickly. It was now lunch time, my favorite part of the day. We all went outside. While other kids play kickball we ate our lunch in the shade. "Hey Bow what we gonna do about Richard" I asked looking at him eat his sandwich. Bow looked at Luke who shrugged "I decided to let you tag along tonight if you finish your chores" "really" "yeah" "thanks Bow" I said happy to finally prove I wasn't a child. Afterwards I finish my lunch and went to hang with some of the kids. Everything was going great until this kid decided to be a jerk and push me cause I tag him in kickball. I got up and held my fist up. Next thing I know there a crowd around us shouting "fight, fight, fight" we started throwing punches at each other till he kick me in the knees and I fell down. He got on top of me and started punching me in the face. I look up and saw Bow and Luke staring at us. I started to scream for their help but they didn't come help me just stood and watch the kid beat me up. Eventually I guess Luke got tired of seeing me getting punch and came over and yank the kid off of me like he was a feather. He put one hand on my shoulder and said while laughing "You look like shit kid". I shrugged him off and started walking home.  "What about school" he yelled laughing, I ignored him and kept walking.
          When I got home I saw mum doing some sewing. She looked up shocked " what happened"  I sarcastically said "I fell, clumsy me right" she hung her head and help me get clean up. Then I went to my room to relax. I must've dozed off because when I woke up, I heard Bow and Luke walking through the door. I heard Bow walking up the stairs and saw him stand in my doorway. "Why didn't you help me" I yelled at him. He didn't say anything "you saw I was losing yet you just stood there". Bow raised his eyebrows. "The reason I didn't help you was because there was no reason to, it was a fair fight so stop being yellow and get ready we leavin in a little bit" he said. When we left it was  sunset. We loaded up the horses and before we got on Bow turn towards me with a serious look on his face and said "no matter what happens you need to do exactly what I say, do you understand" I nod my head. Then we set off.

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