Chapter 16

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Louis Pov

After spending the whole sunday being taught spells by Alice i finally started to get the hang of it. But I still had one thought on my mind. "Hey Alice can I ask you something" I turned to ask Alice "Yeah sure babe you know you can ask me anything" she said with that adorable smile on her face. "What ever happen to my mother after we all was gone" I asked while getting a towel to wipe off my sweat.
        Alice sat down on the ground in the shade and look at me "well according to the journals and the diaries that were kept she got married a little about 10 years afterwards and had one child which she named Charles" I look up toward the sun "I guess she did move on huh" "She never forgot about you guy's and she talked about you a lot in her spare time" Alice said smiling to comfort me. It was getting hot outside so me and Alice decided to go into the kitchen to get some ice cream.
       "Alice we need to talk about the upcoming war" I said looking her in the eye seriously "Ok what about it" she said nonchalantly "Well we need to prepare more" I said wondering why she not stressing over it like she should. "Babe if it make you feel better you can come to the next witch meeting to see what we are doing to prepare" I walk over to her and held her in my arms rubbing her hair "I guess that'll work" I said . Me and Alice finish up our ice cream. Then we went up to our room to go to bed since I had school in the morning.
      -next day- I woke up to Alice in my arms. Nothing make me happier than seeing her like that and if I had my way I would never let her leave my arms. While I was staring at her, Alice woke up and smile. "Were you staring at me while I was sleeping" she said laughing "Only because your beauty memorize me" I said kissing her on the forehead before getting up to get dress "oh nice butt Louis" she said laughing before turning around to go back to sleep. "I'll be home later i'm going to the gym after school" I said while leaving the house.
I had no time to get breakfast. I hop in my truck and pulled out the driveway. Im no pro but I got the basic down of driving with using the spell. As I was driving I started thinking about what going to happen in the war. Bow words kept replaying in my head "you will no longer be our brother but our opponent" the last thing I want is for me and my brothers to become enemies but if it means protecting the person I love then game on Bowman game on.

Bow Pov
       5 months have passed since the meeting with Louis and things have changed around here. At first I wasn't to happy with the idea of Luke keeping the kid but I grown fond of the little boy already. So has everyone else; Luke treat the kid as his own flesh and blood. Lisa was excited about having a little brother and wouldn't let him out of her sight until she was sure he'd be safe.
       I had to make sure that Luke knew that he still had to train Jaxon even though he young we can't have anyone slowing us down. Right now I was supervising the training. I walk up to the two women that were fighting in front of me. One of the girls was on the floor while the other was repeatedly punching her in the face then she stop and started to help her up. "What are you doing" I scream making every group around us stop and stare at what was going on. "I won I was just helping her up master" the girl said while looking down "We do not help the weak you finish her now or I will kill you" I said looking her in the eyes.
       The girl looked conflicted about what she should do but then she pulled her arm back and punch the girl in the face knocking her out. I turn around so I was facing everyone. "During war you will be facing your family, your friends, the people you casually pass without second glance you will not hesitate to kill them I repeat will not hesitate if you do then you will die" I said while looking each and everyone of them in the eyes. "You can get back to work now" I said while walking back to the elevator.
     I have to train Jaxon right now usually I have work to do dealing with the coven but I left that work to the twins, Ace,and my second in command. I got up to the second floor and went to the gym to Jaxon waiting for me. He is really amazing at fighting I wanted to change him into a vampire but Luke wanted him to have a normal childhood. So we came to an agreement to turn him into a half-vampire that way we could enhance his abilities. "Ok Jaxon we going to practice fighting again today" I said patting him on the head because I knew he hated it "Bow i'm 8 and a big kid so you can't do that" he said fixing his head.
      Before he finished fixing his head I threw a punch toward his head which he quickly dodge. He stood on top of my hand while it still was in the form of a punch with his arm's cross. He gracefully did a backflip off my arm landing on his feet. He then took off his ankle weights that he wore to go faster. He disappear and reappear behind me. He threw a punch towards the back of my head at which I caught without turning around. "You need to be faster than that Jaxon" I said laughing. Before I finish laughing he kick me in the back. "That was a good kick Jaxon your getting better just have to be faster." I disappear and appeared behind him grabbing his neck. "A normal person wouldn't  hesitated to break your neck you have to be prepared" I said letting him go "Ok Bow can I go play with my friends now" he said not paying attention "Practice your twenty sets of fighting styles and ask Lisa first" I said grabbing a towel and walking out.
      I went to my office to find a stranger sitting down in a chair across from my desk. I walk around and sat in my chair to face him. "Hi how can I help you" I said while observing him "Well actually we are here to help you" the man explain "How so if you don't mind me asking" I said casually leaning back in my chair fingering my knife. "Well my name is Johnson and I have a proposition. I have 5 humans that you can turn to vampires and strengthen your army" He said smiling "What so special about them I can go get 5 humans on my own" I said bored. I was honestly getting tired of this man already. "These human's have pure blooded demon blood which was hidden in them that will make them stronger than average vampires. If they were to get turn by the right people through extensive DNA and blood studies we have found these 5 humans." This got my attention real fast. "what in it for you" I ask curiously "I want to be your second in command, your right hand, I want a high position in this coven" he said getting up with more excitement behind his voice.
     "I can't give you second in command you wouldn't last in a fight with the current one but I can give you a higher position if what you say is proven correctly" I said pulling out my phone about to text Luke. "That will be acceptable but I want to be with the political people" he said. "Ok have the human's delivered to the guest room ASAP" I said "Thank you sire" with that said Johnson left.
          I text Luke about the conversation and he thought it was strange but agreed to it. So I walk up to the guest room with the first human in it and saw the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She look so innocent but also scared. She had long dark brown hair with sky blue eyes. I walk closer to her and she started walking backwards in fear. "No no don't be afraid i'm Bow. I'm the leader of this coven. What's your name sweetheart?" I ask trying to calm her down. "My name is Sky. why am I here" she said starting to calm down "You are here because with your help we can win the upcoming war and not a lot of people will have to die thanks to you" I said walking closer to her "how old are you" I ask her "sixteen, how old are you" she said walking closer to me "i'm over 156 years old. I know i'm old but it not my fault" I said happy that she wasn't scared anymore.
     She walk closer to be and I thought she was going to kiss me since she was leaning in. I lean in to kiss her, when she knee me in the groin and ran. I double over in pain then got up to chase after her. I mind-link the coven to tell them that the human had escape. When I got downstairs I saw two of the lowers rank members holding her while she was struggling to get away.
     I walked up to her and slapped her in the face. She stop struggling and went limp. "Take her to the basement and only feed her 2 meals every two days until she learn that escaping is no longer a choice" I said while limping away. "sire yes sire" they responded trying to hold in their laughter watching me limp away.

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