Chapter 2

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Louis Pov
We rode our horses until he saw the house in the distance. We took a turn afterwards into the forest, where we dismounted the horses. Then we started walking through the woods until we were near the house. We waited until we knew for sure Richard was gone. Then Luke ran up to the house and started scaling the wall to get into the window. After he got in we waited till he unlock the door and give us the signal. It wasn't long till we heard Luke whistle to us which was the signal that it was all cleared. "Louis you watch the door while we go tie up the wife and kid" Bow said already heading into the room. I nodded my head even though I was angry that I didn't have a more important role.
A few minutes later I heard a scream and a cry. I decided to go see what was going on. I went around the corner and saw both the wife and child tied up back to back. "He'll be home in 4 minutes" Luke said while sitting in a chair. Those had to be the longest 4 minutes of my life. I was about to let out a groan when we heard the door creek open. "Show time" Luke said with a sinister smile on his face. That smile sent chills through me I knew this wasn't the same Luke I grew up with.
When Richard lit a match to light the Lantern, he saw his family tied up. "What the hell is going on here" he exclaimed angrily. "Hello Richard good to see you again" Bow said with a chilled calmness to his voice while sitting in a armchair. "What going on Bowman? Why is my family tied up?" Richard asked walking up to Bowman "we are here to teach you a lesson, so tell your wife what you been doing when you were supposedly working late" Bow said while looking at his nails as if he was bored. "I don't know what your talking about " Richard exclaimed looking at Bow with hatred in his eyes. "Ah, ah, ah I would have hope you be honest Rich" Bow said getting up. In that moment Luke slide his hunting knife down the wife cheek slowly drawing blood cutting off some of her skin. She cried out in pain and I made a small movement, as if I was going to comfort her when Luke shot me a look.
I step back to my spot with my head down and just watched. "Stop it right now Bowman" Richard demanded "you can stop all this yourself if you'd just tell the truth otherwise we might have to do the same thing to your daughter" Bow said simply with a bored look on his face. Richard looks at his wife with a face fall of sadness. He dropped to his knees and said "I been having a affair for the last year with the town Wiccan Laranna". "But that not all little Rich did. He did something else naughty" Luke said playing with the tip of the knife. "I also hit her" Rich said with a disappointed look on his face. "Louis go boil some water and bring it here" Bow asked suddenly.
I went into the kitchen and got some water in a pot to put over the fire. After it was hot I brought him the boil water. He then proceeded to pick the water up and poured it over the wife's head. The wife scream out in horror and agony. Luke laugh and did a happy dance. I couldn't bare to hear her scream, so I turned my head. "Keep looking Louis, you said you wanted us to stop treating you like a child so act like a man and keep watching" Bow said looking at me with a serious expression. Luke took his knife and cut the little girl unloose. He whispered something in her ear and she went to sleep. I'm confused,  she was just crying and now she sleep after Luke said something to her. I'll ask Luke about it later, I thought.
Luke then place the little girl on the floor next to me. While the wife was screaming, begging for help Bow made Richard watch by holding a knife to his neck. "This is all your fault Richard, you should have just left our mother alone" Bow said put his hand on Richard shoulder. His wife was begging him to help her but he couldn't. Luke got bored of watching her scream so he handed me his knife and said "put her out her misery". I looked at the knife and at her "I can't do it" I said backing away "you have to if you don't you will be putting her through more pain" he said placing the knife in my hand.
I gripped the knife hard and just stared at it. I never killed anyone before. What do I do. My breathing started to speed up and I felt like I couldn't breath. I closed my eyes and started to panic. I almost passed out until I hear "Please do it, I can't take the pain anymore" I looked up at her and felt a tear roll down my cheek. I took slow steps towards her. When I got to her I closed her eyes. "You won't be in pain anymore" I said softly so that only she could hear me. I took the knife and plunge it into her stomach. I held the knife there for what seemed like eternity.
Afterwards I toss the knife to the ground and just sat there on my knees. I  got up slowly and sat next to the little girl. "Don't you dare touch her you monsters, please she my baby girl" Richard said. He look at me with broken eyes and I said "no one will touch her". I look at Bow who just stood there watching me with curious eyes and I asked  "are we done here" he shook his head and said "we gotta tie up one more loose end". He look at Richard and said "maybe next time you will think first instead of letting your little piece down there think for you, not that you'll be able to use it anymore" he mused. He bent down and he cut Richard member off.
Bow nodded to us and we started heading towards the door. I turned around and notice Luke wasn't following us. I searched and saw that he was staring at the little girl. I started to make my way towards him when Bow grab my arm and shook his head. I was confused about why he wasn't letting me go. I then turned back to Luke and saw him bending down next to the little girl to put something in her hand. He muttered some words I couldn't make out and turn towards us leaving. When we got home I went to bed. Little did I know this would be the last time I would see my brothers alive in this period.

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