Chapter 3

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Louis Pov
I woke up to the sheriff pounding the door. I threw open the door. "Why are you banging the door so early in the morning for" I asked pissed off. "Louis I have a warrant for your brothers, where are they" he said showing me the paper. "I don't know sheriff I haven't seen them since yesterday, you should try back again later and they might be here" I said starting to close the door.
      When it was almost close he put his rifle in between the door. He glared at me and said "I know they are in there Louis" he push pass me. "Search the whole place top to bottom till you find them" he ordered the other officers with him. Eventually they found them. Luke and Bow fought but I could see they wasn't trying that hard otherwise they would have been able to break free. As they was walking them out the house Luke wink at me while Bow muttered "I hope this work".
        I spent the whole day wondering what was happening to them and if they are ok or not. Then the news finally came to us that they were sentence to be hang in the town square at dusk. My mother was quick to pull out her recipe book. She said to me "go to the general store and get everything on this list. It is the utmost importance that you get everything on this list" "ok mother but why" I asked confused since this wasn't the time to be cooking "don't worry about it" she said pushing me out the door.
       I rode to the general store and passed by the town square and saw that they were setting up for the hanging. I couldn't bare to see it. The thought of seeing my brothers hanging is a horrid sight. I continued on my way to the general store and got everything on the list for mother and this time I skipped going through the town square.
      When I got home mother ask " did you get everything" while taking the groceries. "Yes I did mum" I said while I watched her hurried up and usher me out. It was almost time for the hanging and my mother made a special dinner. I thought it was strange "why did you make dinner?" "Well this could very well be our last dinner together so I want to make the most out of it" she said " what do you mean mother" I asked worried and confused "Don't worry about it" she said waving me off.
      I was nervous when she said that but brush it off. After dinner my mom gave me something to drink and  I started to feel dizzy. "Mother I don't feel well" I said. I started to lose feeling in my body "Mother what did you give me" I asked starting to get scared. Everything started going black and I heard mother faintly saying "I hope one day you'll forgive me my son".

Bow Pov

Luke and I were in the jail cell waiting to be hang. If everything went according to plan mother would've gave the potion to Louis. "hey Bow" Luke called out to me "is it going to hurt. Dying I mean" he sounded scared "yeah it'll hurt but it'll be quick don't worry" I said trying to reassure him. In another life he could have been a doctor or a lawyer both of my brothers could. I would have found a family and settled down but faith had a different plan for us.
It was almost time for the hanging.
      I walked over and grab the nail that was sticking out the wall. I used the nail to cut my hand then I passed it over to Luke who did the same. We shook our cut hand and said at the same time "animus nunc est tempus committitur novum ordiri sapientes nos potestatem". "let hope it work ya" Luke said solemnly.
      Then the sheriff came in "what happen to yall hand? Cut it practicing that devil worship y'all do" he laughed "yall and that no good mother gonna get it soon, you guys sooner then her" he said trying to rile us up. I wasn't going to let him so I chuckled darkly and said "the devil worship us not the other way around, but how is your son? Still walking with a limp" I said with fake sympathy, then I threw my head back and laughed " look at the time it a quarter past hanging time" the sheriff said bringing in his other officers to walk us to the gallows.
         Soon enough we were walking up to the hanging deck and having the noose place on our necks. "We are here today to sentence Bowman Osiris Knight and Lucian Anubis Knight, to death by hanging is there any last words you would like to say" "it Luke not Lucian get it right" Luke spat angrily "we going to get back at all of you townfolks for treating us like outcasts we curse your decedents and their decedents" I said proudly looking into each and everyone of their eyes. Then just like that they pulled the lever and we drop. I look over to see Luke struggling then going stiff. I mouth i'm sorry to him as the world of black cover me.

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