Chapter 15

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Louis Pov
          I drove as fast as I could to get back to Alice. As soon as I got into the door I screamed "Alice" over and over again. "what wrong Louis" she asked coming down the stairs in her night robe. "I was worried about you and was scared that something could have happen to you" I said going into the kitchen to fix me something to drink. "Babe I'm fine i'm a powerful witch and no one going to take me from you ok" she said cupping my cheek before giving me a peck on the lips. "You have any books on vampires" "yeah it in the library third book from the right top shelf" she said without blinking. God she so smart, its super sexy I thought to myself.
      I found the book and sat in the chair next to the fireplace.  I skip through the basic stuff like they have to drink blood, they can't be in the sun for a long time, etc. I was about to close the book when I saw the chapter about mates. *Mates are the other halfs of supernaturals souls. All supernaturals have mates although most go their whole lives without ever meeting them. Sometimes Mates get keep getting reincarnated until they find their other half's. Mates will do whatever it take to protect the one they love. Vampires for instance will give up their immortality to grow old with their human mates in rare instance* That little girl must have been Luke's mate I thought.
       It made sense with his behavior that night but I wonder if he found her again or if Bow ever found his. If so I might be able to use it to my advantage but that only in a last resort I don't want anyone getting hurt more than necessary. I also read that in order to kill a vampire you have to cut off their head or stab them through the heart with a purified hallow branch. But maybe if I find the right spell I can just put my brothers to sleep for another century. There have to be another way instead of killing them. There just have to be.

Luke Pov

I got down to the lower level to see rows and rows of prison cells line up against the wall. "Open all the cells" I yelled in the air to no one in particular. As soon as I said that all the cells open and people started coming out. "Alright listen here all 18 to 25 year olds to my right, 26-35 years old to my left, 36-45 in front of me, 46-55 to the side of along the wall" I said "why should we listen to you your just a child" I heard someone say laughing.
      I speeded over to him and rip out his juggler. "Anyone want to question me again please step forward and i'll make your death quick and painful" when I saw no one move I was satisfied. "Now move" I yelled and people quickly started moving. I learned how to intimidate someone when I was young. I remember the day I was kidnapped by the group of assassins.
-        Flashback- "Bow come on I want to pick flowers for Louis since he's sick" I yelled while running to the flower patch. I know I shouldn't have run off away from my brother but I really wanted the flowers. When I made it there I saw a man sitting there looking down at the flowers. "Hey mista what ya doin over there" I said curious "Oh nothing just admiring the beautiful butterfly that just landed. Wanna see" He said causally beckoning me over.I know I shouldn't have went over there but I really wanted to see it so I ran over there. I looked around but didn't see no butterfly "hey mista I don't see no butterf.." Before I finish my sentence a rag came over my mouth and nose.
         I started to get sleepy and before I knew it I was waking up in a small cage chain to a wall-Flashback over- Before I knew it I was being trained to kill people. I thought my family would come get me but they never did. It took me a whole year to figure out a escape but not before they branded me the mark of the assassins.
      I was brought out of my thoughts when I saw a tiny hand raise up "where should I go sir" I look down and it had to be a kid no older than 10. "How old are you" I ask confused "I'm 8 sir" the kid say trying to look tough. I gave out a hearty laugh "no need to be tough kid what your name" I asked while bending down "Jaxon and I'm not a kid" he said rudely "Well Jaxon aren't you too young to be in a prison" I said mocking his toughness "My group was in a fight and we lost. My parents and I came here but then they died. I been here for a very long time" he said while looking down.
        I took a step back to look at him and notice he was abnormally skinny. He look like he haven't had a proper meal in a long time. So I made up my mind "Jaxon your coming with me back at the top when we done here for now go stand with the 18 year olds. After that talk I took a step back and turned so I could see them all. "Ok you maggots we have a war coming and I for one don't want to be killed because we have some untrained people" I yelled looking at all of them "One by one. Those of you that are human will become vampires and everyone else will be required to make a blood oath to be loyal to us. if you do not you will be killed where you stand" I walk over near Jaxon "Everyday you will train until you can't train no more than your going to train again" I began to walk away with jaxon by my side "Oh and for those of you that survive the war you will be welcome into the convent as heros. Those of you that don't train hard enough will be killed without a second thought" With that said me and Jaxon made our way upstairs. Today will be your only free day to think it over because tomorrow we train for war.

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