Chapter 13

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Louis Pov
           Fm I got home and told Alice everything that happen. We was currently sitting at the table and discussing what to do. "I don't think you should go to be honest Louis" Alice said rubbing my hand "Alice, I have to go, their my brothers and we have to be together to defeat this war on whoever side we going to be on" I said looking her in the eye. "but before I go i'm going to take us out to dinner just you and me" I said smiling when she looked up with shock in her eyes "really" she ask not believing me "yes really". We go in the car and I drove to this little diner that I jogged by on my way to school.
      We got in and found ourself a booth. "Thanks again for casting the driving spell, so Alice tell me about yourself" I asked "well I'm 15, I have an older brother who 24 and a powerful warlock, then I have a younger sister who's 4 and just coming into her magical ability" she said smiling "what about you" she asked curiously "well i'm also 15 I have an older brother name Bowman and a twin brother name Lucian but he like being called Luke, I couldn't tell you much about them we was never close growing up" I said smiling softly thinking about my childhood. "what's your favorite color" she ask me so that we would get off that touchy subject "electric blue how about you wonderland" "purple and why did you call me wonderland" she said laughing "because you remind me of Alice from the movie I saw on the tv, so curious and so full of life" I said. Just then the waiter came by "what can I get you lovely couple" Alice interrupt her "we not a couple we're just friends" I frown at her I mean yeah I wanted to be friends in the beginning but not now then I had a idea "me and my girlfriend would like a cheeseburger with fries and two lemonades please". Alice looked at me "Girlfriend?" she asked raising her eyebrows "Listen Alice I know I wanted to stay friends before but I changed my mind I want you and just you" I said looking her in the eyes while holding her hand "I don't know Louis" she said unsure " i'm willing to wait for you i never had a girlfriend but i'm willing to wait another century if it means you being with me" I said.
           The waiter came back with our food and we ate in silence. I paid for our food and we started walking back to the car. Alice slid her fingers between my fingers. I looked at her "does that means a yes" "that means that i'm willing to try if you are willing to take it slow" she said smiling. We got in the car and I drove us home.
      When I got back, Ace was waiting for me. "you ready to go" he asked me while nodding at Alice "Yeah" I answered then I turned towards Alice "lock the door and don't let anyone in ok Wonderland" she nodded her head and I kiss her on the forehead. I got into the car with Ace and he gave me direction to Bow house. When I got there to say I was unimpressed would be a lie. I was left speechless the house itself was beautiful. "Close your mouth before flies fly in" Ace joked while walking up to the door.
           Ace rung the door bell and we heard a come in. Ace open up the door and walked in. I follow him to what I assume was the living room where I saw Bow sitting down on a couch talking to some people I didn't know and I saw Luke sitting in a armchair with a girl on his lap but not the same one from the forrest. "Nice of you to join us Louis" Bow said getting up to hug me but I just nodded at him and stepped away. "I'm not here for small chat Bowman now tell me what you want" I said staring him right in the eye.
       Then I saw something change and the Bow I saw was no longer there. This is the Bow that I was scared of as a kid; the one that would give me nightmares. Then I heard a powerful growl. I looked around and saw everyone head was bowed even Luke's and that shock me. I look at Bow and his eyes were black as night. "You will respect me boy or you will never see that whore of a girlfriend ever again" he spit out while advancing towards me and as soon as he said that I swung. He stumble back then he look at me and started to chuckle darkly. He step forward again and I stepped back. "Pathetic" he said while his eyes returned back to normal.
        He started walking back to the couch. He sat down and explain "listen theres war between supernaturals to see who will rule over all and our master believe vampires should rule over everyone" "but when will it be" I asked alarmed "one year, so you need to pick what side you are on" Bow said looking at me intensely. "He on the witches side because of his girlfriend, we should kill him now" Luke said laughing "Luke we can't kill our brother but believe this Louis when we meet each other on the battlefield you will no longer be our brother but our opponent" Bow said looking at me void of emotion. "Luke when we was at our mother's boyfriend house, why didn't you hurt the little girl even after we basically killed her parents" I asked looking at him intently knowing that somewhere deep inside he still had a heart capable of caring "drop it Louis that none of your business" Luke said before being comfort by the girl. I turn back around to Bow "was that all brother, yes then I bid you farewell till we see each other again " I said before he could answer I left and got in my car to race back to Alice.

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