Chapter 4

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Leanna Pov
The hardest thing anyone can ever go through is seeing their kids die before them. I know it was my fault. That everything that happened was because of me. So I'm going to make it up to my sons. For years I been secretly teaching Bow my magic. The ways of the Wiccan is to be pass down through families since I never could have a girl I had to teach Bow. I know he been teaching Luke some. They always been close. Those two were thick as thieves;I felt sorry for Louis at times since he wasn't as close as those two. I was going to teach him some magi when he turn 18 but I guess I'll never get to see him when he turn 18.
           If the spell went according to plan all three of them should be safe and sleeping until my decedents awaken them. But only when the time is right shall they be awoken. Their my sons and I love them but I also see the wickedness in their hearts only Louis can balance them out that why I had to put the spell on him to. He will keep them safe.....

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