Chapter 12

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Luke pov

        Bow got me caught up with today's world last night and this world time period seem boring. So I guess I'll just have to make it fun. Just the thought of that made me smile. I was just getting done putting on these new clothes that Bow got me.I was wearing a white t-shirt with a black leather jacket over it. Bow gave me something called skinny jeans and some black boots that I put on also.
       Maybe it just me but I look good although I got to do something with this hair. Its hideous the hair grew past my shoulders since I been dead. I decided to go look in my brother drawers and desk until I finally found a knife. Eventually I found one and went to the mirror. I started cutting it off till the sides was short and the top was the part with the most hair. When i finally got finish I made my way to the living room where I saw Bow sitting and talking to some people, I assume was his friends.
     "Luke about time you finally came down, I like to introduce you to some people" Bow said "This is my crew, everyone this is my brother Luke". I nodded my head to everyone. This scrawny boy came up to me. I look him over,he had short dull brown hair with round glasses and wearing baggy clothes. He seem like a non hostile person but I still have to be on my guard. "hi i'm Ace nice to meet you" the boy said holding out his hand, I grab his hand and gave a firm handshake and gave a little smile.
        The next person or should I say people came up was these twins. I could tell they were vampires by the way they held themselves. "Hi Axel" the boy on the right said "and Hi i'm Ash" the boy on the left had said. They both had blond hair with piercing green eyes. But the smile on their face showed that there was something sinister behind it. That thought itself made me smile not my normal smile but my bloodlust smile. I think i'm going to get along with these guys more than everyone else.
         Next person was this chick that had little to nothing of clothes on. But something made me want to cover her up and shield her from everything I didn't know what that feeling was. I walk to her "hi i'm Luke what's your name" "I'm lisa mcgivens" she said blushing "you look cute blushing" i said holding her hand "thanks but eh I have to go,nice meeting you" she drop my hand and hurried up out the room. "Well that was..." Bow said "intense" both of the twins say. "but anyway last but not least Luke this is my best friend and second in command Danny" Bow said with pride.
    I look over toward the boy Bow was talking about. I walk over to him and nodded my head at him. He nodded his head back at me and stared at me right in my eyes. We stared at each other until he looked away. I knew something was off about him, I think he breaking from the inside. But I knew I was stronger than him by a lot so I'll be able to handle him if something goes wrong but he would never know that or anyone else because the only reason they would see that is if I allow my other self to take over.
        I turn around and walk over to the twins. "hey you guys what the story behind Lisa" I asked like I was bored but I really wanted to know. "well we don't like to gossip but" axel started "she a major whore and the captain of the cheerleading squad also she a decent fighter for a vampire." Ash finished saying. "thanks you guys" I said and decided to go to school, I don't want to be late on my first day of school. "Bow you ready" I scream while walking to the car. "you don't have to yell i'm already here let's go" Bow said starting the car. "Alright let's get this show on the road" I said. Wonder how many chicks Ill snag today.

Louis Pov

      I'm going back to school today and hopefully I have a good day. I woke up to Alice in my arms I didn't want to wake her so I carefully slide off the bed, making sure I didn't. She really was beautiful. She have midnight black  hair but her skin is perfect olive color with full and luscious red lips . She look absolutely flawless. I felt my pants starting to rise just thinking about her lips on mines. I guess i'm going to have to take a shower. When I got into the shower I took my friend in my hand and started stroking it. Just imagining her lips around it made me moan. I started going faster until I seed in the shower. Then I finish washing up and decided to go make breakfast before I went off to school. I made Alice some cinnamon toast with a cup of coffee. I decided to leave a note to explain where I went.
        I started to jog to school considering Alice may need the truck and also because she didn't cast the spell. I made it to school just before the bell rung. I went to my locker but before I could shut it two of my bullies decided to shove me against it. That hurted but I kept my head up high and made it to my class. ~lunch time~ I walk into the cafeteria and saw Ace sitting by himself so I walk over to him. "Hey Ace what's up" "nothing just thinking, hey wanna come over to my friend house after school and what happen to your face" Ace asked babbling on. "Josh and Braden happen they pushed me into the locker and I hit my face. Also sure I have nothing else to do" I explained still wincing at the memory of it. "oh well come on and let go to P.E" Ace said "But we don't have it until later" I said confused " We can go to the Gym anytime we want especially when we don't have class they have a fighting arena that the students usually have competitions in" Ace explained " ok lets go".
          We got into the gym and I saw kids all over fighting and some cheering. "So why are we here" I asked curious "I got a fight and thought you would like to see" Ace explained while walking toward a mat "I don't think that a good idea you know considering your kinda.." I said before pausing "small. "I know but you'd be surprise my friend and by the way I'm fighting Josh" Ace said getting into the ring laughing. Ace took off his shirt and so did Josh. Ace going to get hurt badly, I thought.
             The bell rung and they both started circling each other. Josh ran forward to throw a punch towards Ace and I shouted "look out". To my surprise instead of dodging the punch Ace caught it and threw one back of his own. Then Ace jump up into the air grab Josh arm twisted it and land back down while holding josh arm.
            Then Ace kicked Josh arm breaking it. Josh started rolling around holding his arm when Ace got on top of him and punch him in the nose. The ref came up and held Ace arm up "we have a winner Ace the silent". Everyone started cheering and Ace got out of the ring waving at everyone. He then came over to me. "So you like the fight" he asked while drinking some water "yeah it was amazing I didn't know you was that good of a fighter" I said still shock over the fight "hey come on my friend just got done fighting i'm surprise the guy not out cold" Ace said dragging me to the next ring.
        That when I saw someone who I never thought I would see so some. The man looked up at Ace and wave in which Ace waved back then the man look over at me. He squinted like he was trying to figure me out. Then like a light went off in his head. "Louis" he said like he wasn't sure "hey Bow nice seeing you again thanks for coming to look for me" I said sarcastically before turning around and walking away. "Louis wait" I hear behind me before I broke off into a sprint.
      I made my way into a forest and kept running. I finally slowed down when I knew no one was behind me. I heard the sound of water and started walking towards it. I didn't get that far when I heard "Faster" "oh my god harder" "faster Luke". As soon as I heard the name I started walking toward the sound of the moaning. When I got to the source of the moaning I saw my twin plowing into this girl against a tree. That when he stop and without turning around "hello brother enjoying the show" that when the girl started screaming trying to cover up. She then got down from her um position and ran off. "Never thought I would see you again Louis" he said pulling up his pants. "I could say the same for you Lucian" as soon as his name left my mouth I was pinned against a tree struggling to breath.
           He barred his fangs at me "the only reason your alive is because Bow might kill me if I kill you, remember your place Louis" then he drop me and I started trying to catch my breath. "what are you doing here Luke" I asked watching him more closely. He pop a cigarette in his mouth and look at me. "There a war Louis and we all got our part in it" he said while looking at the sky. "Come over to Bow house he wanna talk to you later, Ace knows where it at" with that said he vanish before I could get a word in. I really need to find out more about vampires.

Just another supernatural storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang