Chapter 5

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There was a eerie feeling in the air. The wind were howling. The trees was shaking violently. There was a full moon up and in the moonlight shined over the cemetery. In the distance you could see a dark figure over two gravestone. Soon the moonlight turn red and the dark figure cut his hands and held it over the two graves letting the light hit off of his hands. The pale skin tone of the figure reflected the moonlight to make it seem as if the figure himself was shining.
       Suddenly the ground begin to shake violently as if it was a earthquake. Then everything went still and quiet. The wind didn't howl,the trees didn't shake, the air was calm. But that didn't last long. Soon a hand shot out of the grave and curl up into a fist.
        The person inside the grave was digging themselves out. When the person reach the top he tried to catch his breath. His hand shot out towards the mysterious figure that resurrected him and grab him by the throat. "Who are you and where am I,what happened" said the man, the mysterious figured answered "I am your mother decedent,for years it have been our family task in watching over you and your brothers. You have been dead for 170 years and it time for you guys to rise there's a war coming". "Where are my brothers" he ask "I'm sorry to say your brothers grave were ransacked and one was relocated to Ireland while the other one is in America" the mysterious figure said "I guess our next stop is America" the newly resurrected man exclaimed.
"but before we go.....hey Bowman what's that" the mysterious person asked pointing over Bow shoulder "what" as soon as Bow turned around the guy snapped his neck. The mysterious man thought I hope this works and he fed him some of his blood.
The man made a phone call on his cell. "I'm shipping the package to America, the first part of the plan is done" he told the voice "good let hope they will be willing to be on our side instead of theirs" the voice said.

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