Chapter 10

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Bow pov
                 I sent everyone off to school and was currently waiting on James which I have to say was extremely irritating. I was about to wake him up myself when I heard the doorbell ring. "it about time you came" I said without having to turn around "how you know it was me I could've been a hunter coming to kill you" James said smirking "Hunter's are way more skilled and silent" I said "now it time to wake my brother like you promise" I said sneering "Fine but you better keep up you end of the bargain" James position himself above Luke head and Cut his hand over Luke mouth. "what are you doing " "Will you shut up! Now when your brother wake up he going to be in a lot of pain" James said annoyed "Why " I asked kind of confuse with the whole process "Because he still technically dead so his body gotta get back to working" James said like I was a idiot or something. "ok for your part now" James said.
       I walk over to Luke body and place my hand on his heart. I close my eyes and concentrated on bringing my power to my hand "Expergiscimini fratrem" I said in a whisper at first. When I saw nothing was happening I started to get angry. "Expergiscimini Fratrem" I said in a louder but more powerful voice this time. Luke body started jerking. Then suddenly he started screaming like he was being murder. I know this isn't no laughing matter but this is the loudest I ever heard him sound.
    I put on my emotionless mask "Luke your going to be ok so stop screaming remember what I use to tell you when you were little and we had our experiments I said knights don't scream, Knights don't cry, Knights don't feel pain" with me saying that Luke started quieting down his screams until it was just whimpers. I turn to James and led him out the room so we could talk in private "how long is this going to take" "3 maybe 4 hours tops he been dead for a really long time" James said while raiding the fridge for some blood "Anything I can do when he wake up" I ask while putting down two glasses. "Snap his neck and give him my blood. Also make sure to give him plenty of blood when he fully awake and make sure he knows the rules and the punishments for our world" James said with his serious face on " Oh James if you were to hurt my brother then I would have to kill you and we wouldn't want that now would we"
           I said walking back to Luke room so I could watch him. Before I went in I said "if he does something then I'll take care of it ok" I shut the door and went over to the bed and grab his hand and sat there waiting till my partner in crime would come to. *If I go crazy then will you still call me superman * My  phone started going off so i answered it 


Ace: You would never believe what happen today at school
Me: What happen Ace: There was a new kid at school and they started bullying him so he ran out of the school crying we have to help him

Me: Ace you know I don't like helping people

Ace:But he need help

Me:No buts about it Ace he need to figure out how to help himself

Ace: What if it was me

Was he really trying to guilt trip me

Me: fine Ace I'll help him only if he comes to us first on his own free will. deal

Ace: Deal. Thanks Bow

Me:no problem bring the gang over later ok I have someone I want you guys to meet

Ace:Ok bye

Me: bye

The things I do for that kid is unremarkable. Now I have one brother I just have to find the other one. But something tells me he closer than I think he is. I look over towards Luke and saw he was starting to wake up. "Luke welcome back to the land of the living hermano" when he started to sit up I snapped his neck. After I was back out I put the blood in his mouth and step back to wait. Another hour goes by and Luke is waking back up the second time. "so thirsty" Luke said in a harsh voice.
        "How long have I been dead brother" "Not that long just 172 years I believe" I said finding him some clothes. "Man it been that long. what about mother" Luke said looking out the window "She dead good riddance she cause us nothing but trouble" Luke look over toward me with a unreadable expression "what now brother" "well now I get you up to date and we send you to school tomorrow so we can find our other brother" "Do we really have to find him I never really cared for him that much" Luke said while buttoning up his shirt "yes we do it was mother wishes as much as I didn't like her, I will honor her wishes" I said getting another blood bag for Luke. "fine now explain to me why I just drunk blood and what is going on"
       Luke said walking out the door trying to find the kitchen "it down the stairs to the left" I called after him. When I got to the kitchen he was already drinking a glass of blood "ok well your a slave to the night or in modern terms you are my brother a vampire" he didn't seem that shock by the information I presented him in fact he seem distant . He look at me "ok continue" "this is the year 2015 and there are many supernaturals around the world and we are currently in Dublin,Ireland" I said, he seem to be taking this better then I thought he would have took it. It took around 2 hours to explain everything to him and he took everything well. He always was the smart one. He use to be so happy and outgoing. Always caring about everyone and protective of his twin brother. Until that dreadful day. He was kidnapped for about a year when he was little. I remember that day well because it was my fault he was taken.

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