/21/ lunch

796 14 2

(Started- 7/3/24)

Iguro and I left the butterfly mansion.

"So, about what you said..."

"Hm?" I turn to look at him as we walked down the path.

"You're right, we barely know eachother" he said. I nodded slowly.

"I'm gonna take my time to get know you okay? I promise, and I'm hoping you'll do the same with me"

"I will"

"We can start by going to lunch today okay?"

"Alright" I smile.

He held my hand tightly

"Soooo, where're we going?" I ask, glancing at him.

"I dunno, where do you wanna go?" He asked. "Anywheres fine with me"

"Is the resturant near the festival okay?" He asked.



Idk what to write ngl

Wisteria~ [Iguro Obanai x F!Y/N]Where stories live. Discover now