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So I wrote the whole thing about the meeting with Ubuyashiki and my dumbass computer didn't save it bro I'm so fucking pissed

Unfortunately this is the start of the end


"Master, how are you feeling?" I asked, sitting by his side.

His face was bandaged heavily and whatever skin visible was pretty much completely covered in purple.

"I'm alright my child"

The pain in his voice told me otherwise.

"Mama! Mama!" Two of ubuyashiki's children ran in calling for Amane.

"Yes?" Her voice was very calm.

"Come play. Pleaseeeeeee" this was the most I heard those two kids speak.

"I'm sorry but I have to take care of your father...maybe later alright?"

"Aww man....okay mother ..."

The girls slowly walked out with their heads down.

"Don't worry Lady Amane, I'll play with them while you take care of master.." I bowed my head and stood up.

"Thank you dear"

"Of course"

I made my way outside, father returned home a while ago so it was just me and the two kids outside.

They started singing while playing.

"So, how do you play this?" I asked, sitting on the engawa.

They smiled and turned to me

[my fucking computer didn't save it again bro I'm switching to my phone so sorry for the spelling errors]

I sat to take a break as they kept playing.

All of a sudden, the worst feeling came over me. Someone powerful had made their presence known and it sent shivers down my spine.

"Come, I want you two out of he-"

The gate opens and a tall man with black hair and red eyes walks through

The two looked scared but instantly went back to playing.

I couldn't move as he walked up.

"hello?..." I mumble. "Who the fuck are you...?"

He kept walking and went into the mansion.

He couldn't have been a demon, no demon would be able to pass through undetected, especially when there was wisteria all over the area around the mansion..

"Come, you're getting out of here" this time I spoke up louder, they still ignored me.

My crow flew down and landed on my shoulder to want me of a demon attack approaching the ubuysshiki estate

The girls wouldn't come so I had no choice but to search past the wisteria barrier for a demon approaching the mansion.

Who was that man earlier....

did he warn master?

But why was he so...intimidating...?

I reached for the handle.


I heard a constant ticking sound

Realization hit me just as I had reached the wisteria barrier.

That man, was the demon.

I started sprinting towards the mansion gates.

"Shit!" I shouted.

I pulled out my sword, I had pretty much mastered using it by now so I was going to save my fans from any damage.


I was knocked to the ground by some sort of explosion. A huge pain/burning sensation flew over me.

Notes- (I deleted them bc I accidentally leaked what's coming up)


Wisteria~ [Iguro Obanai x F!Y/N]Where stories live. Discover now