/28/ Gyutaro and Daki

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Tengen and I arrived.

He had sliced the female demons head off and she was whining like a fucking child. Disgusting.

"Do you know how to shut the fuck up? You really disgust me." I said stepping forward, both of my nirichin fans in hand.

She kept screaming about being bullied.

"Oh shut up!" I shouted, kicking the head across the room.

She start we d screaming.

"BIG BROTHERRRRRRR" she squealed out.

A anorexic looking demon emerges from her body.

"And I thought she couldn't get uglier than that, golly you both are hideous" I said in disgust.

"Such a unflashy figure"


The second he fully emerged I jumped forward.

He threw two sickles and both Uzui and I dodged them.

Well, Uzui not quite. He got a cut on his head.

I lunged forward to attack, slicing one of the demons arms off.

He regenerated immediately, his sickle barley grazed my neck as he attacked yet it made a cut, it didn't severe my throat but it did break the skin so I started bleeding.

The loud bitch attacked as well, Uzui throws his mini bombs, each one explodes the ground. I saw what he was trying to do so I grabbed the civilians that were falling as well and use myself to brace the fall so they went uninjured.

Once we hit the floor I swore I heard something snap. Pain shot through my body. "Fuck! I think I broke a rib!" I yelped as I ushered the couple out of the building.

"Run! Get out of here now you hear me?!"they nodded and started running.

Gyutaro starts yapping about how Uzui and I will die of poisoning and how he's consumed 15 hashira and Daki ate 7.

"You'll never be able to kill us alone!!"

"That's why we're here!!" Inosuke bursts through the wall with Zenitsu.

Tanjiro came aswell. Gyutaro starts yapping AGAIN about how we're all weak.

"Those 3 are my tsuguko! They're strong because I trained them!! And that young lady is my fellow Hashira!! So don't underestimate them!"

Gyutaro attacked Tanjiro first but he flipped backwards and dodged the attack. Uzui and I jumped in and attacked Gyutaro at the same time.

Daki tried attacking by sending her belt throughout the room, making it look like a maze in a way.I noticed Tanjiro struggling so I sighed and sliced through the belt in multiple places, slowing Daki's regeneration ever so slightly.

She went to attack again and Zenitsu attacked, taking her through the roof and onto the building. Inosuke followed, leaving Uzui, Tanjiro and I.

The battle kept going on, I only gained cuts and gashes here and there, nothing too serious.

I was holding up pretty fine, that was until Gyutaro managed to knock one of my nirichin fans out of my hands.

I wasn't the best at using my sword, that's why I didn't pull it out. Id die trying to do that especially with Guutaro's strength.

(I forgot how the fight went on)

Gyutaro charges at Me after I had attacked Daki and stabs straight through my stomach, letting the poison slowly inject into my body.

Blood drips from my mouth.

"Y/N!!" Uzui shouts trying to run to my side.

Gyutaro slices off his hand and kicks him hard enough in the head to knock him out.

He ran off to help Daki.

(After inosuke getting stabbed)

"INOSUKEE" Tanjiro shouts. "Uzui, Uzui!" He says to himself looking around.

It then hits him as he spots Uzui lying, his heart not beating, and Y/N, near of death.

"TANJIRO WATCH OUT!!" Zenitsu shouts as he pushes Tanjiro off the roof.

Dali's ribbon slashes everywhere, causing buildings to fall on everyone, besides Y/N, Tanjiro, and Uzui...




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