/44/ Dreams

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Lately I've been experiencing these weird dreams, I feel like it's been making me more sick in a way but besides that, I feel like something bad will happen.

I left Iguro's yesterday so I can spend some time with my father.

Father was sitting criss cross on the small porch attached to the his home as he watched over his trainees. he was praying until he noticed you "Greetings Y/N. come sit."

"Father? Can I ask you something?"

He turns his blind eyes towards me, a soft smile on his face as he opens his arms for a hug.

"Of course, my child. You can always come to me with anything on your mind."

I accepted his offer  and hugged him.

He wraps his strong arms around me, holding me close and rubbing my back comfortingly.

"Is everything alright, Y/N?" His voice is soft and soothing, like a gentle breeze on a hot summer day. "You seem troubled."

"I...I feel like something bad is coming...like, really bad..."

He pulls back slightly, his face showed off a look of concern.

"Something bad, you say? He gently lifts my chin, forcing me to look into his blind eyes. "Tell me more, Y/N. What makes you feel this way?"

"I keep having these dreams, bad ones. I see all the Hashira extremely injured and some of the younger slayers aswell and it's all surrounded by a white haired man and I feel like it's a foreshadow but at the same time I could just be having a nightmare since I've been getting really close with the hashira and people I talk to do come up in my dreams and it could mean nothing."

His expression darkens slightly, his brows furrowing with worry. "Dreams can indeed be windows to the future, or sometimes just our fears manifesting. He runs his thumb along my cheek soothingly. "Tell me more about this white-haired man. Have you seen him before?"

"no, never. but then there'd be a baby involved in it, you could see glimpses of it but i could hear crying throughout the dream a-and it's really confusing.."

His expression becomes even more worried as I mention the baby.

"A baby..." He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. "Y/N, do you think it could be possible that you are having visions of the future?" He places his hand on my shoulder.

"Possibly, but none of the female hashira are pregnant so why would there be a baby...?"

He nods solemnly, his mind racing with thoughts. "Indeed, none of the female Hashira are pregnant, at least not to my knowledge. He pauses, deep in thought. "But there is one other possibility..." "what is it?" I asked

He hesitates, his blind eyes looking off into the distance even though he can't see anything.

"The possibility that this baby is not from this present time. The future is still uncertain and anything could happen"  He turns back to me, his expression serious.

"Y/N are you pregnant? or have been trying to get pregnant?"

"No, Iguro asked me this too, but no, it would've came up in my checkup last week."

He nods, relieved. "I see. That is good to know. He takes a deep breath, trying to ease the worry in his heart. "This baby... I think it would be best if we keep an eye out for any signs of a newborn or pregnant woman in the coming battles."

I nod.

He smiles gently, appreciating my nod even though he can't see it. "Good. He pats my shoulder. "In the meantime, I want you to rest. If these dreams continue, please come to me immediately. He leans in and presses a soft kiss to my forehead.

"Thank you father..."

He pulls me into a warm hug once more, rocking me gently. "There is no need to thank me, child. His voice is low, laced with emotion. "I will always be here for you, no matter what."

My crow flew in the room and dropped a letter onto my lap.

He looks up as the crow flies in and drops the letter on my lap, his expression turning curious. "What is that?"

"My crow came in and gave me a message, it's frommm, oh. It's from Himari and our adoptive family"

He frowns slightly, his concern for the mysterious message growing. "Let me see it." He gently takes the letter from my lap and touches it, his expression turning grave. "This is from Himari and your adoptive family? What does it say?"

I take it back and read it out for him.

"Dear Y/N,
I'm glad to hear that you're doing well. Mom and Dad are upset that you aren't coming for your birthday like you did last year. Please tell Mr. Himejima I appoligize for accusing him when I was 2 and getting him imprisoned. I'm glad to hear that he was freed and you have been able to reunite with him. I hope you both stay safe.
and depending one when you get this, happy birthday.

His face softens at the mention of Himari's apology, a small smile tugging at his lips. "It seems Himari is growing up."

"She mentions your birthday... I had forgotten. It's coming up soon, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I'm turning 22..." I sulked a bit, remembering the curse of the demon slayer mark.

He sets the letter aside and pulls me into a hug, his arms wrapping around me tightly. "22 years old, my child. He sighs, his voice filled with a mix of sadness and determination. "The curse of the Demon Slayer Mark will soon reach its peak, won't it?

"mhm, I have around 3 more years left until it takes me"

His grip around me tightens, his voice low and filled with emotion. "Three more years... It's not fair. You have so much life left to live, so many things to experience..." He pauses, his voice growing firmer.

He set me down as a tear ran down his cheek. He started praying, which was normal for him.

Gyomei closes his eyes, his lips moving in silent prayer as tears continue to fall down his cheek. "Please, God... Give her the strength to survive... Give us all the strength to defeat the demons and hopefully break this curse..."

I sat in silence as he prayed.

After a moment, Father finishes praying and opens his eyes, his expression determined. "We will find a way to break this curse, Y/N. I promise you that. He pulls me into another tight hug, his voice firm. "You will not die at 25."

I frowned, seeing him so determined to not let his last child die broke me. I knew he was going to be heartbroken once the time came.

Seeing my expression, Gyomei's face softens, and he cups my cheek gently he felt the tear that ran down my cheek and the way my mouth curved into a frown. "Why the sad face? He asks softly, his thumb wiping away a tear that had escaped my eye. "I will not lose you, Y/N."

I hugged him tight.

He returns the embrace, his arms wrapping around me protectively. "Shh... He murmurs softly, his voice soothing. "No more tears, alright? We will face this together, just like we always have. He presses a gentle kiss to the top of my head.

"Yes father..." I wiped the tears that I didn't even realize fell.

Gyomei smiles gently, his thumb wiping away the remaining tears. "That's my girl. He pulls back, his expression turning mischievous. "You know, it's not every day that my child turns 22, im excited for tomorrow dear... He pauses, a playful glint in his eye.

I nod. His crow flew down to inform us that he was summoned to the Ubuyashiki estate.

His expression turns serious once again as the crow lands on his shoulder. "It seems I've been summoned to the Ubuyashiki estate. He says, his voice low. "I'm afraid I'll have to leave you for a short while, dear. He cups my cheek gently. "Can I come?" I asked. "I want to speak with Master about my dreams."



Srry for taking forever junior yr of hs is NOT for the weak

Cheerleading also started back up so I'll be focusing on cheering at games and comps so my chapters will be a bit delayed

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