Gives You Hell | Oscar Piastri

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Author's Note: This storyline was requested by reader: idunno791

Done in 3rd person POV. This is a longer story, enjoy!

"Can you do an enemies to lovers x Oscar?" 


Both the McLaren and Mercedes team principals were standing at the front of the conference table, frustration evident in both of their eyes. Their rookie drivers along with their PR managers on the opposite ends, equally agitated with this emergency team meeting. 

"This childish behavior has got to stop between the two of you" Toto led with. 

Andrea chimed in, anger more in his voice than anything, "Not only did you both take yourselves out of the race, but it's a media fiasco out there. They're dubbing you both the 'disaster debut duo.' Is this how you both want to be remembered for your rookie reason?"

Celeste, refusing to make eye contact with Oscar, answered first. "No sir."

She heard Oscar scoff next to her, her neck snapping towards him to offer a dirty look. "It's not my fault she turned into me in that last corner, it was my right of way and she made a mistake, she has been making risky mistakes all season."

Celeste was fuming and she stood up, ready to rip Oscar a new one before her team principal shot her a look, basically to sit her ass down. She gulped, fearful that Toto would reprimand her. 

Toto ran his fingers through his hair, "It's no longer a game of 'whose fault is it', you both can't even handle being in the same media conference together, let alone talk normal to each other for a moment. Our teams cannot afford to have bad press and potentially risk sponsorships because of you two." 

Oscar's PR manager walked over a binder to Andrea, which piqued both drivers curiosity. Andrea flipped through some pages before finally speaking up, "Both of our teams have come up with a solution to our image problems. For the sake of maintaining grace and keeping sponsors happy, you both will enter into a fake relationship until the end of the season. Both your social media teams will curate and maintain your images during this relationship. They will handle dates and public appearances."

"WHAT THE FUCK?" both Oscar and Celeste shouted at the same time. They turned to stare at each other. 

Oscar spoke up again, "And if I say no?"

Toto slammed his hand on the table, startling both rookies. "This is not up for discussion. If you in any way ruin this agreement, both of your seats will come in question for next season. We will place reserve drivers in for both of you. Don't fuck this up. This is a done deal, all that's needed is both of your signatures on the dotted line.

Realizing the severity of the situation, Oscar and Celeste briefly glanced at each other. In both of their faces you can tell they didn't want to do this, but their bosses were giving them no choice. Oscar was furious more so because he wanted to make a name for himself as his first year in F1 while Celeste wanted to do the same, but she faced much harder circumstances as one of only two female drivers on the grid. 

Oscar again tried to look at his team principal who wasn't giving him any wiggle room on the matter. Both Celeste and himself walked up to the bosses, signing their names on the contract. Oscar stormed out of the conference room, slamming the door behind him as he made his dramatic exit. Celeste, equally upset but more calm, simply excused herself to her drivers room to process what had just happened in the last fifteen minutes.

What Oscar and Celeste were yet to find out was how a simple signature in black ink would write the rest of their lives together.


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