Hope Is A Dangerous Thing | Logan Sargeant

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Authors Note: This storyline was requested by: fitinmaxie

⚠️ for mentions of attempted suicide, depression & mental health.

Done in 3rd person POV.

It was no secret that Logan Sargeant was having one of the toughest seasons of his career. The pressures of F1, the weight of expectations, and the relentless hate were all taking their toll. Each race felt like a new wound burying deeper into Logan's heart. The media was ruthless, other drivers weren't friendly, fans were losing faith, and even Logan himself began to doubt his abilities, especially watching his teammate get prioritized over him...every single time. His Team Principal wasn't any better.

It was the second day of summer break and Logan was sitting on the balcony of his apartment, practically at a loss for words. After what seemed like a hopeful back and forth between his team and his manager, he was blindsided to see Carlos Sainz announce on Instagram, that he would be taking the second Williams seat. Logan basically got a generically written email thanking him for his dedication to the team for two years, leaving no room for discussion.

"Why the fuck am I so shit???" Logan screamed out to the universe, the moon and stars taunting him. Logan decided to clear his mind with a walk. The cool night air whipped around his face as he started walking near the water. He wandered aimlessly, lost in his own thoughts, until he found himself near a bridge.

Logan had never been to this spot before. He realized in the midst of being lost in his own thoughts, he walked nearly two miles away from his apartment. Something about the beauty of the bridge made him stop and lean against the railing, looking out to the water. It was peaceful, quiet.

It was then that he noticed a shadowy figure. There was a girl, around his age, standing on the edge of the bridge, looking down at the dark water below. The expression on her face was clearly distraught and upset. Tears were violently streaming down her face and she looked defeated. Logan recognized that look, it had been one he had, too many times. Was she trying to harm herself?

Logan's heart accelerated, realizing the severity of the situation in front of him. Looking around, there wasn't another person for miles. Without thinking, Logan called out to the stranger, his voice slightly startling her. 

"Hey... are you okay? If you're thinking about what I think you're thinking about, please don't do it."

The sad girl turned to look at him, her eyes filled with fresh tears. "Why not? It doesn't matter anymore," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Logan's heart pounded in his chest. He recognized that pain, that sense of hopelessness. It was the same feeling that he had been experiencing all year. 

"It does matter..."

"...It matters because you're still here. And as long as you're here, things can get better. You just have to give it a chance."

The girl shook her head, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand. "You don't understand... Everything's falling apart. I can't take it anymore. I'm all alone. I have nothing to live for. Everything I touch gets destroyed, everyone is better off without me."

Logan stepped closer, now standing right in front of her, trying to calm her down. His eyes flickered from her to the steep drop below.  

"I do understand. I know what it's like to feel like you're being destroyed from the inside out. I know what it's like to think that nothing will ever get better. But I also know that giving up isn't the answer."

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