Speak Now Part 2 | George Russell

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Author's Note: Done in George's POV.

Part 2 of 2 ❤️


Since Alexis had stormed out of our hotel, I sat there basking in my stupidity. I wanted to run after her, apologize for my behavior. I had no idea where this attitude came from. Loosing my home race in the final moments was a low blow and my judgment was clouded. But it was no excuse to treat the love of my life the way I did. 

Truthfully I had a whole plan today. Three weeks ago I had picked out an engagement ring for Alexis, promising myself I'd propose to her if I won in Silverstone, otherwise I'd wait until the summer break, either way wanting to propose. I needed some time alone after the race. I was embarrassed to show my face, especially to my girlfriend. She had been so proud of me for winning in Austria, I didn't want her to think any less of me for loosing the win here after leading the race the entire time. I ignored all her messages, not ready to face her yet. When I came back and she was questioning me, my blind frustrations came out and she was the unfortunate target. Why would she ever want to marry me, a failure? I knew I was being unreasonable but the negative thoughts overrode my sensible ones.

I opened our text messages, contemplating texting or calling her. I knew she'd likely go to the Mercedes celebration, the one we were supposed to go to together. I wasn't in the mood to celebrate or be surrounded by people with pity looks for me. Lewis deserved a good night and I didn't want my bad mood to kill the vibe. I decided not to call her yet, we both needed to cool off.

I laid on the bed staring at the ceiling for nearly an hour. I still had no messages from Alexis, but 100 texts from the team asking me why I didn't come. I felt stupid and now I probably looked like I wasn't a team player. I was happy for Lewis, but I wanted that win for myself, followed by the perfect proposal. 

After finally realizing what a jerkoff I had been, I decided to call Alexis. I immediately wanted to apologize for my behavior, knowing I had way more to makeup for than with just words. After a few seconds, I wasn't sure if she'd answer my call, but on the last ring she did.

"Alexis...where are you? Fuck I'm such a dick. I'm so sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it."

"George, I'm walking back to our hotel and I feel like someone is following me."

My heart dropped. While I still had her on the phone, I quickly ran out of our hotel room towards her location. I knew where Toto had reserved the after party for and it was a fifteen minute walk away, only I was running like my life depended on it. She could have just been paranoid but it was nighttime, she was a gorgeous woman and she was alone.

"What? Stay right where you are. I'm coming."

"Thank you, I just feel li-" she cut off. I heard a strange sound coming from the line, almost like the dropped the phone loudly on the sidewalk. Then I heard a loud grunt and heavy footsteps.

"Alexis? Alexis!!?" I screamed, getting no answer. I was now running like a madman towards the lounge. Tears stung my eyes while running against the wind. I turned a final corner and saw a commotion of people surrounding Alexis. Some people even dared to have their phones out, recording the scene. 

An ambulance was pulled up and they were pulling the stretcher into the back, with her on it. I was thinking the absolute worst. "Please let me through, thats my girlfriend!"

"Sir, I'm going to need to see some identification or proof."

I whipped out my wallet, firstly showing them my drivers license, secondly showing them a photo of me and Alexis that I always kept in there. It was from our third date, when we took pictures in a photo booth at a fair. It was my favorite picture, both of us laughing and her in my arms. How stupid was I that I caused this fight today....

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