The Best Kind of Surprise | Charles Leclerc

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Authors Note: Why is this high-key becoming a Charles one shot book. Clearly, we know who my faves are LOL

Done in readers POV. 


Okay, I had 15 minutes to set everything up before Charles would be back from Maranello, and we'd have a week together before Imola. I put on a white bow in my hair and the gold Cartier earring Charles got me for our 3 year anniversary. Taking a final look in the mirror, I took a deep breath and proceeded to the living room. Leo, happily skipping behind me was eager to see his daddy too.

Charles and I had been dating for 4 years now, and we moved in together after 2. Dating Charles was like one never ending dream. Sure we had struggles and we occasionally fought- like all couples do, but we never went to bed angry with one another. While we discussed marriage and children all the time, Charles still hadn't proposed. I don't get upset or nervous about it, because I know we are end game for each other. I'm hoping my surprise will be a good one, because for's everything I've ever wanted.

I stepped into the living room, my white max dress gliding behind me, grabbing the gift box and some tissue paper from the coffee table. I neatly placed some tissues paper along with a pair of white knit booties and a Ferrari onsie in the box. 

10 minutes to go. I was about to shock Charles with the news that we were expecting. I hadn't been feeling well the past couple of weeks and finally took a pregnancy test a week ago, confirming my suspicions. I had been waiting for the right time to tell Charles, and wanted to do so while he had a week in-between races, so we could talk and enjoy our news. 

I wrapped the gift box up neatly, placing it on the kitchen counter. I secretly set-up my phone on the shelf across the kitchen counter, so I could record Charles' reaction to opening the gift. Charles loved matcha tea, so I turned the kettle on so I could prepare him a cup, especially after knowing he'd be coming off of a long drive from headquarters. It was nearly 4pm and my nerves couldn't contain themselves anymore.

5 minutes to go. I paced back and forth in the kitchen mentally telling myself everything would be okay. Self doubt started to creep in. Would Charles be happy? Would this be a distraction to his career? Would he feel obligated to marry me after? Before I could continue unraveling in my own mind, I had the locks of the from door turning. Leo started to bark at the door, and I knew Charles was home. 

I heard him greet Leo and place his bags on the floor. I grabbed the tea kettle, pouring in some hot water over the matcha powder I had prepared in Charles' favorite Harry Potter mug. As I was whisking the mixture together, I felt strong hands wrap around my waist and Charles pressing a kiss lightly to the side of my neck.

"Mon amour, I missed you too much" he whispered in my ear. He turned me around and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed a kiss on both of my cheeks, ending with a soft kiss on my lips. He took a moment to graze his eyes down my body.

"Did you get all dressed up, just for me cherie?" I blushed and nodded my head. In one swift movement he lifted me up and placed me on the kitchen counter, standing in between my legs. Before he could attack me with kisses, I stopped him, "Charlie wait!" My sudden request to have him stop made him look at me curiously. "What's wrong?" he asked.

I wiped my sweaty palms on the side of my dress and jumped off of the kitchen counter. Charles looked at me confused until I motioned him to the box. "You got me a gift?" he asks curiously. I could barely get a word out due to my anxiety and just nodded. He delicately unwrapped the bow from the box and slowly opened the top of the box.

I thought I would explode at how everything was going in slow motion. The first thing he lifted out of the box were the white booties, and god bless his soul he looked more confused that Carlos in a media interview. "Cherie, are these booties for Leo? They seem a bit big for him." I giggled a little at the way he thought they were for Leo.

I shook my head, urging him to continue unboxing the gift. Time froze in that moment when he lifted the Ferrari onsie out of the box and held it high. I couldn't read the expression on his face, which normally I was very good at. He looked at the onsie then back at me, then back at the white booties.

"" he began stuttering. Still with no direction on how he was taking it, I began to believe he wasn't excited or ready for this. He dropped the onsie and bolted towards me. He lifted me up in the air spinning me around. Placing me back down, he hugged me lightly kissing my hair. "Please tell me this is what I think it is, are we having a baby??"

Tears began to well in my eyes and I softly replied with "yes baby, we are." I looked up to see tears falling down his face. He pressed his lips against mine again, the salty taste of both of our tears mixing in. "Just when I thought I couldn't be happier with you, you give me the greatest gift I could ever ask for cherie. We're going to be parents to a little boy or girl."

"So you're not upset? I know this is a surprise, and it isn't exactly traditional, since we aren't married.. but I want this baby" I cautiously ask him. "Mon amour, this is the best kind of surprise, you have made me the happiest man in the world. As for the marriage, it's coming. I could never see myself growing old with anyone else, no one else being the mother of our children."

Leo must have been jealous from all of the affection Charles was giving me because he was jumping around at our feet, wanting to be included. He scooped him up, giving him lots of kisses. "Leo, are you ready to be a good big brother?" he cooed.

He placed Leo back on the ground and embraced me in another warm hug. He placed his hand over my stomach, "I'm going to be a dad" he proudly said. I shook my head no, "No Charlie, you're going to be the best dad. I love you."

"Non, that's impossible, because I love you more."

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