Wolff in the Paddock | CL x MV x LN x CS

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Authors Note: 3rd person POV. 


Anastasia Wolff, the daughter of Mercedes team principal Toto Wolff, hadn't set foot in the paddock for several years. As she entered, the atmosphere buzzed with energy. It was her father's home race in Austria and she was excited to attend. She turned heads everywhere she went, and the media couldn't help but be captivated by her arrival. A few of the drivers, in particular, couldn't help but be enchanted by her beauty and grace.

Lando, Max, Charles and Carlos were fresh out of a boring press conference when Lando mentioned he overheard something from George.

"Have you guys seen Toto's daughter? She's close to our age. Apparently she's here this weekend and she's a runway model," Lando said, his tone full of curiosity. 

Carlos spoke up. "I heard she's incredibly smart too."

Suddenly they noticed the media crowding around someone near the Mercedes garages.

"Who is that?" asked Max, intrigued by the commotion. The other boys turned their heads to follow Max's line of sight to find a beautiful girl. They watched as Toto greeted the girl, kissing both of her cheeks. 

"Oh my god, that her, Toto's daughter. She defiantly looks like a runway model" Lando spoke up.

"She's absolutely stunning, I need to talk to her." Carlos remarked, his gaze fixed on her.

Charles nodded in agreement, his eyes dreamily focused on her. "I think I'll ask her to dinner."

Lando chuckled. "Good luck, Charles. I've got my eyes on her too." Max, always the competitor, grinned. "May the best man win."

Their banter caught the attention of Pierre Gasly- paddock gossip, who decided to add a bit of spice to the situation. "How about we make a bet?" Pierre suggested, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Fifty euros to the first guy who can get Anastasia Wolff to agree to a date."

The others quickly agreed, their competitive spirits ignited. They each planned their approach, eager to win both the bet and, hopefully, Anastasia's heart. They fell back into their usual media day requirements until early evening. 

Charles was walking back to the Ferrari garage with his PR manager when he spotted Lando chatting with George outside of Mercedes. Next to them was Anastasia and Charles felt his heart leap. He excused himself from his manager and walked over to the trio.

"Hey guys, how's it going?" he addressed the group. He turned to Anastasia and extended his hand, "Bonjour, I'm Charles." She blushed and shook his hand introducing herself. "I'm Anastasia but everyone calls me Ani."

"That's a beautiful name, cherie."

Lando shot Charles a dirty look for purposefully interrupting his conversation. Charles and Ani continued to chat while Lando awkwardly stood there chatting with George. Charles was fascinated by the way her eyes lit up when she talked about something that was important to her. In the 10 minutes conversation, he realized they had a lot in common. Despite the common stereotype of models, she was anything but just a pretty face.

Anastasia smiled at Lando and Charles, politely excusing herself, as her father was calling her over. They both waved goodbye to her like lovesick puppies. 

"What's with you two?" George asked. Both Lando and Charles simultaneously responded that it was nothing. "By the way, Carmen invited Ani to hangout with us tonight at the bonfire. She doesn't know many people, so I thought it would be a nice way to get her acquainted with everyone. Toto mentioned she would be attending the rest of the races this season with us."

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