Hold Me Closer | Carlos Sainz

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Authors Note: Cutesy Spicy Story, 18+ written in third person POV

Guys every time I got to write about a driver I default to Carlos or Charles. LOL sorry no sorry


Carlos and Leya had been together for 5 months, and they were enjoying a night in together. They started the evening with dinner at Carlos' apartment. The kitchen was filled with chaos and laughter as they cooked together. Cooking was one of Carlos' love language. Light music was playing in the background.

Leya wore a simple red dress, while Carlos had on a classic crisp shirt and jeans. While he was finishing up the pasta and chicken, she grabbed a bottle of their favorite wine, along with 2 glasses. She moved over to the dinner table, where Carlos had lit a few candles, creating a romantic atmosphere.

Carlos and Leya met through a mutual friend of theirs, who thought the pair would hit it off. After meeting for the first time, Carlos mustered up enough confidence to ask Leya for her number and they spoke back and forth for weeks before he asked her out. He didn't want to start something new without knowing if they would be a good pair.

Leya was based in Madrid for work, where Carlos had an apartment. He had a residence in Italy and Monaco too, but spent most of his time away from work, in Madrid. He had a week in Madrid and Carlos wanted to spend as much time as he could with Leya before heading back to Maranello for training. He savored alone time they had together. It wasn't often their schedules lined up, but Leya made sure to clear her calendar for this week to spend it with Carlos. 

After dinner, they moved to the living room, where Carlos had created a playlist of their favorite songs. They sat on the couch, sipping wine and enjoying the music. Carlos took Leya's hand and looked into her eyes. "I've never felt this way about anyone before," he said softly. "You make everything better, mi amor."

Unbeknownst to Carlos, Leya had a own plan for tonight. She wanted to take the next step in their relationship and finally be intimate with one another. They had only made out a few times, with some light groping, but Carlos was ever the gentleman and never pushed her to go further than she was comfortable with. That's what she loved the most about him. He always made her feel safe and loved. Tonight she finally felt ready.

Leya smiled, her heart fluttering. "I feel the same, Carlos. Being with you feels so right." She leaned in for a kiss, tender and slow, savoring the moment. As they kissed, Carlos gently stroked her hair, and she wrapped her arms around him, feeling the warmth of his embrace. Their kisses grew more passionate. "Carlos, mi amor, I want to ask you something", Leya shyly asks.

"Of course, anything mi vida." 

Leya pulled back slightly, a blush spreading across her face. She took a deep breath and whispered, "Carlos, I want to share everything with you tonight. Will you make love to me?" Carlos felt a rush of emotion. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her forehead. "Yes, Leya. I want to be with you in every way. I want to adore every part of you."

They both stood up, hands intertwined, and walked to his bedroom. They began to undress each other slowly, taking their time to savor each moment. Carlos unzipped Leya's dress, letting it pool to the floor, and she unbuttoned his shirt, running her hands over his muscular chest. They stood there for a moment, taking in the sight of each other, feeling the anticipation build.

"So gorgeous" Carlos whispers as he took Leya's body in. He leaned in and kissed her neck, sending shivers down her spine. She responded by pulling him closer, feeling his heartbeat against her. He moved her the bed, lying her down, their bodies pressed close. They explored each other's bodies with gentle, loving touches. 

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