Push | Lando Norris

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Author's Note: Done in Lando's POV! Done to celebrate Lando's P2 (almost P1 in Imola)


I parked my McLaren in the private garage, grabbing my gym bag. It was the summer break and I had just gotten back from yachting around Mallorca with some friends last week. I needed to get back into my workout regime before the season re-started and before my trainer killed me for all the food I ate on vacation. I stepped into the private gym I had been going to all this week. This place had become my sanctuary. The equipment was top-notch and the ambiance exclusive. It was recommend by a friend, as it was pretty exclusive to workout here. They offered privacy and awesome services. 

"Hello Mr. Norris" the front desk girl greeted me. I smiled and swiped my pass to get in. Everyday this week I had been coming, it wasn't too busy. No one recognized me, and even if they did, they didn't make it known- which I appreciated. I had seen some of the same faces each day, smiling at them and continuing on with my workout. One girl stuck out from the rest. I had seen her everyday this week already.

She was stunning, and extremely fit. Her dedication was impressive; she was here almost as often as I was, pushing herself with an intensity that I admired. She was extremely confident every time she entered the gym. Yet, despite the numerous chances, I hadn't mustered the courage to talk to her. It was ridiculous, really. I'm Lando Norris, confident on the track, but here I was, reduced to a nervous wreck at the thought of approaching her.

I didn't want to seem creepy or just in the gym to get a girls attention. I knew girls hated when guys approached them in the gym just to chat them up. I figured I'd wait until a good opportunity to casually talk to her without making it weird. After a few days I was about to give up on it as she came in, worked out hard and left without so much as looking up or around the gym. She was focused.

Today, though, things changed.

I was halfway through my workout, focused on my music routine, when I noticed her struggling with the chest press. She had loaded the bar with more weight than usual, probably trying to hit a PR and it was clear she was having trouble. My heart raced. This was my chance. I took a deep breath and walked over, trying to appear casual.

She was struggling to push the bar back up. "Need a hand?" I asked, my voice steady despite my heart beating rapidly in my chest. She looked up, her face a mix of relief and mild embarrassment. "Yes, please," she said, her voice soft.

I positioned myself, gripping the bar. "On three, okay? One, two, three." Together, we lifted the bar back onto the rack. She sat up, catching her breath, and turned to me with a grateful smile. "Thanks so much. I guess I overestimated myself today."

"No problem," I replied, shrugging. "Happens to the best of us." We both laughed, the ice broken. For a moment, we stood there in comfortable silence, the bustling noise of the gym fading into the background. "Do you want me to spot your next set?" I asked her.

"I would really appreciate that" she said, positioning herself under the bar again. She had managed to do 4 reps on this weight, but I didn't let her give up that easily. "Come on, push! You have one more in you, you got this" I said to her. She gave one more rep with all her power. She did a total of 5 reps, which was extremely impressive. I've seen guys press lower weight than this. She re-racked the bar and stood back up to face me. 

"That was seriously impressive. I'm Lando, by the way," I said, extending my hand.

"Thank you for the extra push, and I know," she replied, shaking it with a grin. "I'm Jacqueline, but my friends call me JJ, because my middles names Juliette." 

"You know?" I asked, surprised. She nodded, her eyes twinkling. "Hard not to recognize you. Big fan, actually. Although the Ferraris are quite fast this season" she joked.

My cheeks flushed a bit, and I scratched the back of my head, suddenly cocky. "Well, it's nice to meet you, JJ. Do you workout here everyday?"

We started chatting, and it felt like we'd known each other for ages. Our conversation flowed effortlessly from one topic to another. She was not just beautiful but also smart, funny, and incredibly down-to-earth. It was a rare combination, and I found myself more intrigued by the minute.

As we talked, she told me about her life in Monaco, her love for fitness, and her job as a business analyst. She had moved here a year ago from Paris, drawn by the allure of the lifestyle and the vibrant art scene. Her part time hobby included visiting art galleries and museums.  I shared stories from my racing world, Quadrant and how I too recently moved to Monaco.

Eventually, the conversation turned towards our routines, our favorite workouts, and life in Monaco. Before I knew it, an hour had passed, and we were still standing by the chest press, laughing and talking.

"Listen, would you maybe want to grab a coffee sometime?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound too eager. It wasn't like me to ask random girls out or for their number, but something about JJ drew me in. She seemed humble and trustworthy. 

"I'd like that," she said, pulling out her phone. We exchanged numbers, and I felt a rush of excitement. "How about tomorrow after our workouts?"

"Perfect," I replied, unable to keep the smile off my face. "I'll see you then." She wrapped her workout up while I still had some cardio to finish. My workout felt extra good with this new level of confidence I had gained from our interaction. 

As I left the gym that day, I had a pep in my step. The nervousness that had plagued me all week was gone, replaced by anticipation. I couldn't wait for tomorrow, for another chance to see JJ, to get to know her better. For the first time in a while, I was looking forward to something more than just racing. 

The next day arrived with the same routine, but everything felt different. My workout flew by, my mind preoccupied with thoughts of JJ. When I finally saw her walk into the gym, my heart skipped a beat. She caught my eye and smiled big, and I felt a wave of confidence wash over me.

After our respective workouts, we met by the exit of the locker rooms, both freshly showered and headed out to a nearby café. She picked a cozy spot near the harbor where we both unknowingly ordered the same latte and pastry. When the waiter brought us our order, we couldn't help but laugh at the coincidence. 

We spent hours talking, laughing, and sharing stories. It was easy, natural, and I realized that meeting JJ was quickly becoming the highlight of my week. She felt like an old friend, a sense of familiarity. 

As the sun began to set over Monaco, I offered to drive her back to her apartment, which she accepted. I parked the car and rushed to the other side of the car to open the door for her. I offered her my hand and walked her up to the front of her building. We stood there for a moment, the city bustling around us, and I knew this was just the beginning of something special.

"Thanks for today, Lando," she said, her smile warm and genuine. "I had a really great time chatting."

"Me too," I replied. "Let's do it again soon?" I asked, hoping she felt the same way I did about today. 

"Definitely," she said, pausing before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. She walked inside her building, but turned around to wave before doing so. 

I watched her go, a smile on my face and a sense of excitement in my heart. This week had started like any other, but it had ended with the promise of something new, something wonderful. And I couldn't wait to see where it would lead.

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