Dark!Avengers - Anti-Hero (AU)

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"Where is he?" I sigh as once again I'm forced to intervene in the shitshow that is my job. Trying to stay alive, and keep a bunch of fucked up 'heroes' with all different abilities in order.

"In there". Fury points to the closed doors as he leans back against the wall, crossing his arms again. "Motherfucker won't listen to reason - not even from me".

I push the doors open and walk in, standing there and watching as a fist crashes through the wall and makes another hole to go with the rest that he's put there. "Hey! Spangled man! Calm the fuck down for a sec". I yell and put my hands on my hips in annoyance.

"Don't you fucking tell me what to do". He turns and gives me a glare that could rival the ice that he was supposedly lost to for years.  Heavy boots thumps across the floor before they stop in front of me, his form taller than mine, and now he's looming over. "I could snap your neck just like I did with Hill".

"And I would thank you for putting me out of my fucking misery - so please do it".

His eyes still stare before he moves away. "What's your name again? Maisie? Millie?"

"You're way off, it's Darcie ".

"Darcie!" He snaps his fingers and points at me. "I knew it was something like that".

"Are you quite finished punching holes in the wall?"

"Are you gonna shut that big mouth of yours?" He turns quickly. "Could fit a lot in there..."

I stand my ground. "Shame I'd need something bigger to fill it then".

His lips curl up into a smile and he laughs. He laughs like I've never heard him do so before. "Word of advice, don't get cocky. It was what got your friend killed after all".

"You wanna tell me why you're pissed or is it just another case of lost patriotism?"

"Never held any back then during the war, and I don't intend to start now. Bottom line is bird boy fucked up, almost cost us a mission. Go be a good girl and tell him that if he does again? I'm gonna be clipping those wings of his".

I stand there and just shake my head. "Nope, not how it works Mr America".
His fist slams down onto the table but I'm not even startled. I'm used to his moods. His anger. His overall nature. "I'll tell Fury you need five minutes to pull yourself together before you call everyone to a briefing. I wouldn't want you to miss out on relaying a message".

"You're on your first strike".

"Believe me I wish it was more". I reply and go to leave, but he's there within a few paces, blocking my exit. "Step aside Captain, you're even more of a dick when you're angry".

He snorts. "And believe me I'm worse when I'm not".

Somehow I do believe it. There was always a rumour that when they were going after Red Skull all those years ago, that he pushed his best friend from the train they were on for a good reason, and that the order came from this very organisation itself. SHIELD.

The door slides open and Fury stands there calmly. "You done, Cap?"

"No, we're not". He snaps. "Was it you who hired this one? Or Phil? It was fucking Phil wasn't it?"

"It was a joint effort". Fury replied. "Like me, Darcie is intolerant to your bullshit".

"You remember back when you had two eyes? Before we decided to take one? Well how would you like me to take the other?"

Fury shakes his head. "I'll see you at the briefing".

"Best sleep with it open then". The captain leaves him with that message before he looks to me. "And you? Keep the attitude you have and you'll be joining Hill. We clear?"

"Like Crystal". I smile sweetly and walk out, heading back to the office and finding the bottle of wine I've stashed, opening it and taking a long swig.

To the public, he's America's first hero. The golden boy who they all love. But out of all the Avengers, Steve Rogers is the very worst.

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