King!SteveRogers - The Widow (AU) PT 2

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"Is that all you do?" Steve asked as he rolled off of Ingrid that evening. "Lie there?"

She kept her gaze fixed to the ceiling. "It is what we have been instructed to do sire. Lie there, allow you the pleasure, and then hope for a quick conception".

He got up, pulling on his pants and then heading across the room to pour himself some wine. "So no pleasure for you".

She swallowed. "No. Not unless we are given permission".

Steve took a swig of his wine. "Apparently if there's nothing there from a woman. No...response, no pleasure on her part - it's not going to work".

Great. He'd basically brought a woman who would probably never give him an heir. Sure she'd been docile from the moment he'd summoned her to his chambers. She'd stood still as he'd pushed the nightgown from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. She'd opened her legs as wide for him as she could. She'd laid there allowing him to do as he wanted, which was fucking into her with the hopes a son would be conceived that very evening.

Right now it didn't seem promising.

"I can assure that there was...something, sire. It just did not show".


He poured her some wine and walked over, handing it to her as she now sat up. "You need pleasure too. It's the only way if it means I can finally have my heir. You have my permission to show it. Anyway you want. I don't want you to just lie there, I want you to take the lead at times too".

"What if it's something you do not like sure?"

"Well there's not much I hate, so I think we'll be fine". He told her, seeing her now quickly finish the wine like she had needed it.

"Do you want me to leave?" She now asked.

Steve shook his head. "Stay".

"As you wish".

"And what do you wish, Ingrid?"  He now dared to ask.

She paused for a moment. "For my purpose here to be fulfilled. I came to give you a son and I will do just that. Then if you desire it, I shall give you however many more  you would like".

Sipping on his wine, he glanced over to her. She was beautiful, he'd given Dreykov extra coin just for that alone. But how on Earth had she come to be subjected to this kind of life?". He asked this same question out loud.

Ingrid wrapped the covers around her body to cover herself more. "Survival. I have a mother and sister to look after. We would've lost our home and everything. I went to Dreykov despite my mother's protests. He brought me and the sum of money was enough to let them live comfortably for the rest of their lives. I couldn't risk my sister following the same path as she got older".

"You sold yourself to him".

"Most girls do. They are from a middle or high class background mostly, but the ones who are lower are trained more to possess that element of decorum. You couldn't really tell once they had graduated from their training".

Steve's eyes trailed her. "You're middle class".

"I am". She nodded with a small smile. "Would you have thought badly of me if I'd had said I was of a low status?"

"No" he replied. "I'm not that kind of King. I treat my people equally regardless of class and rank".

"That is a rare find. To have a King like that". She noted. "You maybe just be the only one".

He shrugged. "So be it - my advisors say it's a sign of weakness but if anything, the kingdom is stronger for it. They trust me to lead them, and to make the right decisions. They are loyal because of that decision alone".

"You are the first King to come into possession of a Widow. Most are noblemen whose wives cannot conceive or they are dead from the snap. It's a sad state of affairs but it is the way it is. If I can bring a prince into this world and have him grow to become a fair and just King? A strong individual in both body and mind? Then it is worth it, and the risks".

There would always be risks. There were the rare cases where Widows had died during childbirth, however it had been because of medical error. Ingrid knew this. She could easily give the King a son and not live to even give another.

He got back into bed. "Rest. It's probably for the best, and you've had a long journey".

Ingrid felt a little relieved as she'd felt her eyelids becoming heavy, now slipping under the covers again. "I will make sure that I am gone by dawn".

"You'll leave this bed when I say you will". He told her calmly. "I want you here every evening, and to wake up right here every morning".

She nodded. "Was there anything else sire?"

He now moved and crawled over her, settling between her legs and brushing his lips over the inside of her thighs. "Forget resting. I'm not sleeping until I give you pleasure".

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