King!SteveRogers - The Widow (AU)

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The world had been turned upside down since the war. A King that everyone had said the six Kingdom's couldn't defeat, even together.

And they had been right.

King Thanos had won with so much as a literal snap of his finger. People turning to dust before their very eyes. Everything then went to turmoil.

The struggle had been real, especially for Steve. His Kingdom was slowly rebuilding, but it would still take years to even get back to where they were. He'd still not found another wife - the candidates not as accomplished as she had been. But now he had grown desperate and in a very surprising decision, he'd written to General Dreykov for help.

Dreykov's name had become well known since the blip. He was in the trade of selling women of high quality to men who needed heirs. 'Widows', they were called. Dreykov's would pick out a girl, bring them to their new master, take his money and would be on his way. There had been many success stories. Where these women would have been looked down upon for being some sort of mistress - instead they were celebrated. They were bringing life back to the world in a time of need and desperation,

Steve needed an heir, and writing to Dreykov was the last resort. If he couldn't find a wife then he could at least have a Widow to bear him a son without any judgement  against his choice. Although behind his back there was bound to be some as court gossip went.

Both Dreykov and his girl of choice, would be arriving tomorrow...


"You understand your mission?" Dreykov asked Ingrid as she sat opposite him in the carriage.

She nodded. "Yes General".

He smiled and leant across, running a hand down her cheek. "I chose you for a reason. You are special, strong. Fit for a King, so do not disappoint him, or me..." his look turned into one of warning. "You know what will happen if you do".

Of course she did. Death.

Looking down at the inside of her wrist, she caught a glance of the tattoo that all the women like her had been branded with. But she was doing this for her family, to keep them comfortable. With her father disappearing like the others, it had meant a fight for survival - and being a widow payed well just for being 'sold' to Dreykov. Her mother hadn't wanted her to go, but Ingrid insisted. The payment the General gave for her was enough to keep them going for the rest of their lives - and also to prevent her little sister from taking the same path she had.

"You cannot do this, you could die". Her mother had said as she'd packed her things.

"And I could marry normally and die that way. I have to do this for us".

Her mother hadn't argued anymore because she knew she was right.

"And if he does not like me? Then what?" Ingrid now asked.

Dreykov snorted. "He doesn't have to like you - he needs you for one thing and that's all that matters".

"I meant what if he thinks I'm not fit enough for this task".

"Then we find you another who isn't a fool". He sat back and watched the fields pass by as the carriage rolled along the main road that would take them to the city. "I think he will not be disappointed by my choice though - ninety nine percent of the men aren't".

She sighed. "And what's to say that I am not the one percent".

"Because you are the best girl I have for something like this! The others do not compare. This is why I have been saving you, for someone like him!"

Immediately Ingrid shrunk back into silence. Widows were told not to talk unless they were asked a question or granted permission to. She could be the best girl to do this, but she could also be living in silence with a man who she didn't know for the rest of her life.

"You see there? Finest palace I've ever had privilege to set foot in, and the same applies to you. This is a man who fought King Thanos face to face - he's seen many a battle. You will be respectful of that".

Ingrid nodded and stared out at the place that began to rise up in front of them. Despite the blip, there were still people in the marketplace trading, farmers in their fields outside of city trying to make their living. Everyone was experiencing the hardship and lasting effect that Thanos had left behind, and she was simply just another with a story that had come from it.

"Tell your King that General Dreykov has brought him his precious cargo". Dreykov ordered as he got out of the carriage, a guard now helping Ingrid from it. She kept her face covered with the veil that all Widows like her were expected to wear until they were presented.

"No need General". A different voice sounded, "I've been waiting for you to arrive".

Ingrid's eyes found a man now coming down the steps to greet them. He was bearded and his hair wasn't long but yet it wasn't short either. His handsome features showed signs of tiredness, most likely the result of ruling a kingdom as one did.

Dreykov nudged Ingrid who sank down into a curtsey before the King, her master also bowing. "Sire, may I present to you, your widow...I hope that you will be satisfied".

"For your sake General? I hope so too". Steve replied as he now took Ingrid's hand and brought her to stand back up again. Lifting the veil back, he took in the face of the woman underneath it. Her eyes keeping themselves averted from his. "Am I really that awful to look at?" He asked as her eyes now met with his own. Still she did not speak. "Does this one make conversation?" He now turned to Dreykov

The General nodded. "All my Widows are silent until you give them permission to speak. Some men just like the pretty face but not the voice to go with it".

Steve turned back to Ingrid. "You can speak, you're allowed to. Just like you're allowed to go anywhere within these walls". He now told her. "What's your name?"

"Ingrid, sire". She replied

"And you know what's expected of you?"

She nodded. "Yes sire. An heir".

Steve nodded to himself. "And more if you're capable of delivering a son".

"Of course sire - however many are needed, and that you desire".

Turning once more to Dreykov he nodded his approval. "You've done well Dreykov. Very well".

"Only time will tell sire. If she fails to provide then she knows what will happen - but if you start tonight, I hope to receive some good news very soon. She is the best I had for you".

Snapping his fingers, Steve summoned a guard with a pouch of coins. The payment completed.

She was his, and now Ingrid's mission was about to begin.

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