22 || hello

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The bridesmaids made their way down the aisle one by one in their short black dresses just like they rehearsed. Each of them held a bouquet of red daisies. Red went down right before Olivia wearing his suit. Tom chuckled when he saw Red. Olivia linked arms with her dad and they started walking towards the aisle. Olivia looked absolutely beautiful in her strapless mermaid dress. It was very simple, with lace going all the way down it with a corset back. As soon as Tom saw her he got the brightest smile on his face. They locked eyes and it was like they were the only two people there. Olivia was smiling so hard her cheeks hurt. She finally made it to Tom. Her dad leaned and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He leaned over to Tom and whispered "Take care of my baby girl like I know you will. You are the best thing that has happened to her." He shook Tom's hand and sat down.

The wedding went on until they got to the vows. "The Bride and Groom have prepared their own vows to share," the Pastor said.

Olivia said hers first. "Tom, I always joke around with you and say that you are lucky you met me, but in reality I am the lucky one. You have brought new meaning to my life and I can't imagine living a day without you. You are my best friend, my soulmate, my sanity, but most importantly the love of my life. You always surprise me with sentimental gestures, or date night and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life being surprised by you. I love you with all of my heart and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life proving to you how lucky I truly am. This I vow to you today," Olivia said sliding the ring on Tom's finger.

"Olivia, ever since I met you, this is where I saw us. I knew you were something special and I couldn't let you slip away. I remember the moment I knew I loved you. It was when we had our first fight. I was driving around Boston trying to find you and I thought to myself Why am I doing this? and then it hit me. I was doing it because I loved you. You always say to me I love you, you know that? I never tire of hearing you say that to me. You are the love of my life and I will spend the rest of my life trying to figure out how I got so lucky to be married to the most beautiful girl in the world. I love you to infinity and beyond and I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with you," Tom said sliding the wedding band onto Olivia's finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Tom, you may kiss your bride," the preacher said. Tom wrapped his arms around Olivia and dipped her like he did during rehearsal the day before and kissed her for the first time as husband and wife. Tom then scooped her up and carried her back down the aisle. Olivia wrapped one arm around his neck and put her hand with the bouquet in the air and laughed. She kissed Tom again.

"Hello, Mrs. Brady. You look absolutely beautiful," Tom said smirking at her as he put her down.

"Why thank you Mr. Brady. You are the first person to call me Mrs. Brady," Olivia added. They were the definition of cheesy, and they wouldn't have it any other way.

After the wedding they went straight to the reception. They took pictures in the photo booth and talked with everyone. After a while it was time for the meal and speeches. Olivia's sister went first. "Tom, since you came in to my sister's life I have never seen her happier. I am sure you know her well enough by now, but I just have a few survival tips for you. Number 1, don't wake her up. She needs her sleep and she will be very very VERY mad at you. Number 2, don't talk to her for at least an hour after she wakes up. She is not a morning person and the less you talk to her the sooner she will get over it," the list went on all the way to number 12. "and finally number 12, hold on to her because we are glad to have you as part of the family."

Rob went next. "Tom, I thought I was lucky to be your teammate. But then you let me be your friend. I have known you for a few years now and I have been with you through a few girlfriends. That being said I have never seen you fall so hard and so fast for a girl as you did for Olivia. You told me the night you met her that she was special and you were going to marry her. And here we are on your wedding day. Congrats you two," Rob said holding his glass up. Tom got up and gave him a hug.

Next was time for the dances. Olivia and Tom danced to Bless the Broken Road. Olivia sang the words to Tom making him laugh. "I love when you do that," he said to her.

"Do what?" Olivia smiled.

"Make up the words when you don't know them," Tom answered.

"Babe please, I know the words to this song," Olivia said. Tom swung her around until the song came to an end. He gave her a kiss and stepped off of the dance floor as her dad stepped on.

They  danced to Butterfly Kisses. "Honey, you look beautiful tonight," her father said looking at her.

"Thank you daddy. I will always be your little girl," Olivia said with tears in her eyes.

"I know you will. I love you," her dad said as the song ended. Tom and his mom to What A Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong. Olivia and Tom were on the dance floor all night with their friends and family. It came time for them to leave for their cruise. They said their goodbyes and got into the limo. They put on it Just Married. Even though they were going on a vacation, Olivia didn't want to be anywhere but Tom's arms.

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