Make The Sky Red

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Supa short bcuz I was in the mood. This break was the perfect thing 4 me

1. Because it was exactly on my period so I had the best time relaxing with chocolate.

2.My sleeping schedules wanked up.

3. I can leisurely think of stories and catch up on other stories to make sure they upload on time.

I was thinking about the sun and the moon and I was like dat shit is kawaii as fuck And plus I'm relaxing, enjoying chipotle as well as some doodle time. Don't judge the ponytails, bruh.

But IDK if this is a story more like Naruto's little diary. He's OOC and naive. AND I GOBBLE THAT SHIT UP LIKE A THANKSGIVING FEAST!


I like someone, he doesn't know it though. We travel in the same direction but I always see his back, maybe he doesn't like it when it's bright.

Today, I left him a present. I thought maybe he's never see clouds before. I left him a really pretty one.

He hasn't said anything yet. He doesn't even look back at me. Does he hate it?

He left me something! I don't know what it is. It's shiny and pretty but small. I like it a lot. He glances at me sometimes but only for a second. Maybe it is because it's too bright! Maybe if I go see him, he doesn't have to be in the light.

Where he goes, it's always dark so he's never seen flowers. So, I picked some before going after him. When I touched him, he was super surprised! And angry. He said I shouldn't try to see him again.

I was sad that he'd say that although I knew that he would. But after that, he wrote me a note. He said that we aren't allowed to meet. It is just how it is but he said he would make an effort to see me. I was happy with just that.

He told me his name was Sasuke. He also told me about what it was like at night. He said that sometimes on special occasions, the people have colorful sparks explode in the sky. And there were tiny lights called stars that covered the sky but it would still be dark. He said they look like fireflies. I've never seen a firefly. I told him that the sky of mine was light blue and when it rained, it would be grey but a rainbow would appear!

I really want to see him again, all I ever get to see is a glimpse of his back before he leaves. But I can't be selfish about it, if he didn't go then there would be no light at night. But it's still unfair.

I promised him that I'd show him the blue sky but he doesn't believe me. I told him I wanted to see the night, he said it was scary and I shouldn't go.

Does he get scared, too?

I want to keep my promise and show him how pretty it was. I tried hard to find a way but I didn't know how.

I finally came up with a way to let him see it! I told him tomorrow to come a little faster so I could show him.

I waited where we would leave our notes for him to come. I could see him get loser but the sky was blue anymore, it was red. I cried because I couldn't show him blue skies. But he was happy with it, he'd never seen a red sky before. Sasuke said that from now on he would come sooner to meet me because he liked the red sky.

I don't care if I can't see the night, as long as I can see the red sky with him.

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