Chapter 27 - Blessing

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Jihyun pov

I stretch my body and look beside me.. a smile are curve on my lips.. how can we even share a single bed together.. hahaha.. cuddling? Yeah right.. he did more than that.. he is a one spoiled brat and I'm the one who's spoiling him.. hahahaha.. He's like a cat who loves to be cuddled and being spoiled.. so it means, he is my cat.. and I'm his owner and will forever be..

I shift closer to him as he hug me tighter..

"Oi.. wake up.." i said..

" hmm.. #*@$*/:*';&.." he mumble..

" what??"

" not now.." he said..

" okay.. but let me go.. i want to cook.."

" don't need to cook.. just stay here with me.."

" My dear cat Myungsoo.."

" hmm.. "

" if you don't want me to cook for you then i want to cook for myself.."

" kajima.. Let's make love again.." he said, looking at me..

" no.. no.. no.. no.."

" yes.. yes.. yes.. yes.." He said and started to leans in closer then i push him away until he fell off the bed.. i pull the blanket then run to the toilet.. " ya! Jihyun-ah.. We are free all day long.." he said..

" i don't care.." i close the toilet door and lock it but unfortunately it can't be lock.. shit.. what is happening?? Omg..

Myungsoo suddenly open the door and i hurriedly shut it..

" don't you dare to come in if you want to rape me.."

" oi.. Rape you? You're the one who surrender to me.. Come on, open the door.."

" oh gosh.. you've getting worser Myungsoo.. more spoiler than ever!!"

" you're the one who is spoiling me.."

" ummm.. yes.. i gotta admit with that but not to this extend.."

" yes it is to this extend.. you shower me too much with your love and i never wanted your shower of love stops.. Just let it keep going and going until the day i die.." I smile.. haish.. he really knows how to make me give in..

The door slowly open.. revealing smirking Myungsoo..

" i knew you're gonna give in to me.."

" no i am not.." i said then laugh.. wrapping my arms on his neck, pulling him into a kiss.. he chuckle and kiss me back as he wrap his arms around my waist. Pulling me closer.. My heights with him are just perfect.. he's like 180cm while I'm 167cm.. so its just easier for me and him to kiss..

I hum while cooking in the kitchen, cooking late lunch after what has happened just now.. He really know how to make me give in to him..

My head suddenly are hurting again.. and my phone rings.. i look at the caller id.. Woohyun.. i answer it..

" hello??" I start..

" Jihyun-ah, just wondering.. are you guys okay??"

" yes.. we're fine.. why??"

" nothing.. like i said just wondering.."

" ohh.. why you call??"

" nothing.. just missing your voice.."

" what??"

" nothing.. Jihyun-ah, i have to go now.. bye.." he hang up the call.. what the-.. He's getting weirder..

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