Chapter 11

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Damon's pov

I have spent the last hour pacing around my bedroom floor. After Lindsay had told me that Elena is only part human she wouldn't tell me anything else. She thinks its better for me to find out from Elena.

My phone started buzzing in my pocket. The caller ID said it was Elena.


'Damon.' I could tell that she was crying.

'Damon. I need to talk to you. Do you think I could stay I at your place tonight?'

'Yeah. I'm sure that would be fine. Elena are you okay? You sound upset'

'I'm fine. Just shocked.'

'I'm coming to pick you up now. Get your stuff ready. I'll be about ten minutes'

'Okay. I'll see you soon. Thank you Damon'

'I'll see you soon and you're welcome. Bye'


I hung up and ran downstairs and out the front door before anyone could say anything. I got into my car and made my way to Elena's.

Elena's pov

I grabbed my bag and threw some clothes in along with some clean underwear and my make-up, I grabbed my toothbrush from the bathroom and got my hairbrush and checked that I had everything I needed. When I was done putting stuff into my bag I walked out of my room.

"Elena?" I turned around to see Matt coming our of his room.

"Elena where are you going?"

"I'm going to stay at Damon'a for a while. At least until I can my head round this"

"You'll have to tell mom and dad"

"I know"

"Okay. I'll see you when you get back"

I nodded "Bye Mattie"

"Bye Elena"

I walked downstairs and left my parents a note telling them where I would be and not to worry. Then I walked out the door and down the path to wait for Damon. I was stood there for about a couple of minutes before I saw his car coming down the road.

Damon's pov

As I got closer to her house I could see Elena waiting for me at the end of her driveway. She was pacing back and forth but when she saw my car she stopped. I pulled over right in front of her and reached over to the passenger door for her to get in.

She climbed in quickly. I took her bag and put it on the back seat.

"So are you going to tell me whats going on?"

"When we get to your place. I think it's best for me to tell you and your family at the same time. They need to know."

"Okay. They want to meet you anyway. Especially Jordan"

"Jordan? Do you have another sister?"

"No. Jordan isn't my sister. She is my brother Jakes mate"


The rest of the drive was silent. Elena was in the passenger seat with her head on the window, she had fallen asleep on the way. I finally pulled into my driveway. I didn't want to disturb Elena so I got her bag out if the backseat and slung it over my shoulder. Then I gently opened the passenger door and took her seatbelt off and carefully lifted her sleeping form into my arms. I cradled her and locked the car before walking up the porch steps and opening the front door.

I felt her stirring in my arms and I watched as her eyelids flutters open. She looked up at me with her big brown eyes. I smiled at her.

"Damon. Why are you carrying me?"

"You fell asleep and I didn't want to wake you up so I carried you."

I gently set her onto her feet and put her bag on the floor. Jordan walked out of the kitchen wearing tracksuit bottoms and one of Jakes shirts.

She gasped "Damon! You scared the hell out of me"

"Sorry Jordan. This is Elena. Elena this is Jordan."

Jordan looked at Elena and then back at me. "Hi Elena. Its great to meet you"

"Hi. It's great to meet you too" they smiled at each other.

"Hey Jordan. Could you get Jake and Lindsay for me? Elena needs to tell us something and she wants us all to know"

"Sure" she gave Elena a quick smile before running upstairs.

I grabbed Elenas hand and took her into the living room. She turned round to look at me. She looked worried. I pulled her into a hug and she rested her head on my chest. I stroked her hair, I felt her relax.

"Damon?" I turned my head to see Jake, Lindsay and Jordan stood in the door way.

"Hey guys. Uh Elena needs to talk to us"

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