Chapter 1: "The Unexpected phone call"

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(I do not own any of the svtfoe characters and BTW sorry if I spell things wrong)

Star's POV:

"Star you don't have to do this!!! I can Handel it believe me!" Marco yells out I just can't let him do this "what if something goes wrong?! You could get hurt!" He gives me a look that spells out 'let me do it' I try to ignore it but he runs to the portal. "MARCO NO!!!!!!" and I throw my self through the portal.
*********************************** I gasp for air and find my self laying on the floor sweating , I stand up and grab my wand alert for anything...wait where's marco!! I turn around and I find him dead in the sofa I shake him and say "Marco are you nuts why did you go throught the portal I could've lost you!!!" I yell, his eyes flutter open and widen "Star!!! what are you doing !!" I realize it was just a dream! I start laughing and fall to the floor and then Marco look at me really weird which makes me laugh even louder he puts his hand in my shoulder "Star are you okay?" , "Oh my God Marco I'm so sorry " and I keep laughing I calm down and explain to him my dream and his face was priceless! "Oh wow..well okay I'm gonna go make us nachos and pancakes Kay get dressed". I run to my room and grab something from my closet and open the mirror so I can get dressed. Suddenly I hear and incoming call and rush through my clothes and my hair and flipp the mirror and I find pony head "Pony head !!! Hey!!" , "Hello b-fly I ewas just calling to see my best friend and congratulate her on graduating from highschool!!!! BTW how did you get back with Tom is soooo cute that you guys are getting married!!" Wait what ?! Tom?? What?? My smile becomes sirious "Wait! What?! Me and Tom?!" , "well sorry to interrupt b-fly I'm still in st.Olga's i have to go okay? Bye!!" , "wait pony he-" and she hangs up. No this can't be happening .
A/N: did u guys like it btw its my first time so..hope you liked it I'll be updating more later this week

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