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Hello to all fellow Starco shippers who are recently reading this book!
Honestly thank you for all the reads and comments I appreciate it a lot , it makes me feel happy. Recently this book has been crossing my mind a lot and we all know Star vs the Forces of Evil is on hiatus or something and I just want to put this out there right now. I'm not ending the book, I still wanna finish it and maybe a sequel? But sense the show is taking a long break half the fandom is losing inspiration, for instance I saw -not gonna say who, but I was going through vine the other day and this vine editor was loosing inspiration to make more starco edits and I felt the same way. I though Star vs the forces of evil was coming back during January or April ... Anybody out there who knows the actually date when its coming back? (plz tell me , cause I can't find it) Anyways long story short I'm going to take a break until the show comes back, due to the lack of inspiration and testing sense its that time of the year ....again. So no, I'm not ending the book or anything. But I have joined other fandoms for example : the phandom (ik ), attack on titan fandom , the SAO fandom, and a bunch of other fandoms. So if youre for any reason in the phandom I have a friend who's recently writing a book called "Not Guilty " her user is Danly_phiction and she's just starting out sooo any phandom members give her a warm welcome. But in all seriousness, I love Star vs the forces of evil, I live for that show, I die for that show, I just love that show to death and would never leave it so imma just wait until the show comes back and testing to be over so we can continue the story! Thanks for hearing me out

- <3

A/N: Honestly! Does anyone know the date when they're coming back?!

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