Chapter 12 :"I'm from another dimension"

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Oh my God you guys! WE REACHED 1K! i'm so happy right now ! thank you guys for the views and votes and everything it really means a lot and i hope you enjoy these upcoming chapters! I'm really really happy! YOU GUYS ARE THE BOM!! And thank you for your support on my difficult time and for waiting you wont regret these up coming episodes (i recomend to bukel up casue the feels will attack!) so ..THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! I'm glad you like my book so..yeah keep reading because there's a lot coming up! ok biieee lurves ya! you guys are so nice !! okay you can read now! sowie!!

PS- Yes I did draw the cover of this chapter

(Mysterious Man POV:)

"Do you have what i need?" says Tom.

I smile and take out a potion from my pocket with the name "Marco" on it and hand it to Tom.

"Remember Tom, this bottle only lasts 20 hours. so be careful not to blow your cover!" i warn him

"Thanks. i'll remember" he replies.

"Oh! And.. keep this golden necklace, because whenever you need me hold the necklace and i'll be there to help you with the potion till then.. do YOU have what i need" i say. He takes out a red sack , I put it on my hand and open it. Once I opend it a blue diamond and a heart shaped ruby came out of the red sack floating, I look at Tom. "Good Job Tom this should make another Star butterfly...Nice..uh..making a deal with you...... Walk with me" Tom follows me behind as we go up stairs.

-(Reader's Pov :) -

They both walk up stairs and Tom follows him behind, as the myterious man opens two tall white glass doors with the intials B and C on it. Tom enters the room and see a golden foutain and white, long , tall walls. "Woah.." says Tom, "Follow me " says the myterious man. They walk through small hallways and as they walk further the white walls become grey and rooms start to appear. Dark grey , more rooms, Light black and they enter a small room "wait! what's in the dark black walls ?!" says Tom, the mysterious man looks at him and says "150 portals and my room, now follow me.".They both enter the room and red tall walls fill the room,and some holograms designs appear. The mysterious man pulls a golden lever and a big pot comes out of the ground, "Damm...i need a masion like this! Siriously though how much did this sweet mama cost you?!" says Tom, "Focus! These two gems should make a second Star Butterfly, that way Marco dosen't notice she's gone and you get to be the fake Marco wich is her boyriend on the other dimension you suggested or this deal.." says the Mysterious man. " deal is done! I become "fake Marco" marry her, reveal my self,she becomes queen, and she stays on the Mewnie dimension..if all goes as planed though!" says Tom. "Oh it will!! or my name isn't- I better not say it right now i dont wanna reveal to the fans just yet.." says the myterious man, Tom looks at him confused "Wait. What fans?!!" he says while fixing his hair. "Its nothig you wouldn't understand...after all ,i know everything.."says the mysterious man. "i can understand! you know what ive been through?!" says Tom, The mysterious man smirks and says "Would it be wierd If i told you that we are in a book that its written by a stupid tennager?!". "......" Tom says nothing "exactly!"says the mysterious man he keeps talking "Now as you see these gems, the blue diamond and the red ruby shaped heart are her DNA and represt her royalty." he throws the gems into the the pot and it makes a purple liquid with a big red heart in the middle perfectly centered the mysterious man continues "Now only if we had one of Star's hair..oh wait never mind i have one hahahaha!" he throws the hair into the pot and a big purple flames comes out of the pot and they both cough. Another Star butterfly apperars curled up inside the pot. "Hello.." says the mysterious man "Stand up" she stands up,he cotinues "You will do as i say" the seconde Star says "I will do as you command". they both take her to the room were the real Star was in and send the fake star to the earth dimension, the mysterious man turns to Tom while they are standing betwen dimensions "You can drink the potion now buddy!", Tom was already wearing the clothes Marco wears "okay." he drinks it and red light comes out his chet and his horns shrink and his hair grows longer and turns brown, on of the third eyes disapears and truns into two even, brown eyes. "Woah...i look just like- *ahem*there we go! the voice..was.." the mysterious man laughs "i know! now go to the fake dimension and go as we planned okay? and if you need me hold out the neakcles to the sun, till then i wish good luck my friend.." Tom smiles and put one of his feet through the portal "Once again thank you" says Tom. And he goes into the fake earth dimension and the mystrious man explains the plan to the fake star and he sends her to the real earth dimension.

A/N: YOU GUYS....I TOLD YOU TO BUCKEL UP !!!!haha did i make you nervous ? did i make you scared? were your hands sweating???!! (if so im sorry i go throught the same thing i hate my hands and tbh my hands WERE sweating while writting this ...ew..the keyoard...kay then) were you bitting your nails??*Raises hand* Awe poor Tom .. he just wants Stars heart back !! HAHA!! NOPE !!! can tell that im okay now so yeah lets get this book goign!! thanks for the support by the way it helped me alot! and if you were wondering yes the mysterious man and Tom ARE friends ,GET READY FOR CHAPTER 12!! HAHAHAH!!! *chokes on silyba* "AGH IM OKAY" *continnues laughing like a maniac*, *disapears on fog* *chokes on fog* , "Im okay!!" *passes out* sorry for the short chapter

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