Chapter 18 (part1) : "I need to tell you something"

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"Oh, you'll see." says Tom.

(Real Star POV)

"But first , let me blindfold you" he continues, "Marco, what is this?" I ask ,he hands me a piece of cloth, "Put it on!" he suggests "I don't want you to see the surprise, plus I'm driving. So please put it on for me." he says. I look at the piece of cloth "Um..okay?" I reply.

-few minutes later-

"Marco! heh..what are you doing?!" I ask "I feel like I'm gonna fall!" I feel little grains of sand in my feet. "Are we at the beach?!" I guess. " got me Star! We are at the beach, here let me get that." his hands go behind my neck searching for the knot, at the same time sends a chill down my spine. He unties the knot. The first thing I see is his big brown eyes. "So what do you think?" he asks, he steps aside and shows me this paradise and sunset, I look over to the ground and see clandes lit up and blankets with a basket the contains food and wine, and of course a radio that's playing slow music. He takes my hand and pulls me over to sit down. "Cant speak huh?" he says jokingly. I laugh "What is all this?" I ask "My love." he replies with chuckle.

*Readers POV*

An hour later the place got dark and the candles lit up along with the love Star was feeling, every second she fell more and more in love with him, as on the other side the fake Marco or Tom was feeling great, he had a feeling this whole thing was about to be over and the plan would succeed.Tom as Marco had no feelings towards Star, he would remember the days back when they were dating, but that didn't matter to him anymore. What matter is that he had to win. Later that night after a few endless talks and questions and a couple "I love you's" The radio played a slow song that the mysterious man had planned for them as a signal for Tom, Tom knew it was time. "Oh! Star my mom loves this song! Let's dance" he said Star was confused she lived with Marco almost all her life and not once she remembers his mom mention this song. "what? I don't remember your mom-" she was interrupted by "Marco" pulling her over for a dance.

Tom knew how to dance. He held her by her waist and spun her around with a smile, They touched foreheads, then both smiled. Tom grabbed her hand spun her around once more and leaned into her making star almost touch the ground. (don't get the feels yet, this Tom who we are talking about ) "Wow..where did you learn that!" Star said in a soft voice. "eh..just something that runs in my blood." he responded while slow dancing. Meanwhile, in the other side the mysterious man had seen everything and everything was going according to plan, he would whisper on Tom's ear from time to time , just incase Star asked him if her remember so and so. "It's Time" he whispers, as soon as Tom heard this he stopped dancing "What.." Star said becoming worried. "Star, I have something to tell you."

A/N: Okay I know..this is small, but I'm spliting this into two chapters (Chapter 18 part 1 and 2) because this book is coming to an end and why not? well I feel like this a good place to stop for now. ya . okay imma go now bye! You can go back to the other fanfic you were reading.

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