Chapter 9: "Real friends tell the truth!

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(Star's POV:)
I wake up and I feel something wrapped around my shoulders and I feel warm my eyes try to open the puffines should've swollen down by now and then my eyes open. I turn and I see marco next to me Marco!
I sit up and shake Marco.

"Marco wake up!"

He wakes up.

"Marco what did we do?!" I look under the covers just to make sure nothing happend. I sigh .
"Star its not what it looks like" says Marco.
"I know. What are you doing in my room?!" Suddenly I remember now the jakie the window , the hoddie, Marco flirting!
Marcos eyes widen and he sits up.

"Chill Star! When I came home I felt bad for leaving you alone plus stuff happend that I don't want to talk about..anyways I just wanted to see you and talk to you but you were sleeping so I decided to sneak in here."

Says Marco. Suddenly Mrs.Diaz comes in.

"Star break fast is read- WHOA!!!!! okay I'm out."

Mrs.Diaz closes the door and I can hear her foot step run down the hallway. I look back at Marco.

"Did you have fun?!"

I was expecting him to be honest and tell me the hole jakie thing and why he was holding onto her.

I hit with a pillow.

"Ow! What was that for?! Ow! Star!! Quit it!"

"That's for not being honest you can come back when you want to tell me the truth!"

(Marco's POV:)

Star slams the door on my face.
Wait what dose she mean by "tell me the truth" dose she know about jakie?!

(Star's POV:)

Whats wrong with him ?! why is he not honest with me? i though we were best friends! Best friends never hide stuff from each other I take out the magic book of spells from uner my bed and go to the page for locking doors .

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