Chapter 15:"We go as planned"

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"MARCO DIAZ!" says a fat old man with light brown hair, he walks towards me , "uh...hi!" I say. "Can you explain why..-"he says, my hands starts sweating ."I-I can explain!"i say he gives me a look "Can you explain why you are so good at football?!" he says. I start laughing. "Hey! y-you really got me there coach....?" I say laughing this is really weird is like I'm living my senior year again! everyone keeps on cheering and celebrating especially the coach , he laughs and punches me on the shoulder and drinks his Mountain Dew.
The bell rings and we all go to class , as I'm walking down the hallway girls look at me , give me flirty looks, boys cheer me on and congratulate me. I go to my Homeroom , I sit all the way in the back of the room, "Marco! What are you doing ?! You sit with us!" Says a young man with brown curly hair and glasses. Weird looking kid.. I sit with them.
I'm eating my lunch and as I look up the guys in my table seem to look at my right , not only then but most of the girls "Ayee bro what hapend to Mrs.Diaz?!" Says on of the boys in my table, suddenly all the boys at my table copy Star. One of them even starts blowing kisses! I start laughing "she's sick Im going to visit her today after school." I say , "Alright but don't get too crazy Diaz." Says one of the guys at my table , I roll my eyes.
Later that afternoon I ask to go to the bathroom "I need to pee..!" I think outloud. I go to the bathroom as I walk in I notice the room is in the shape of a rectangle and there are about 5 mirrors in a single file on the wall, I'm walking down the mirrors and I see my reflection and stop wow...I really do look like Marco.. I touch my cheek ,my hair, soft.. I hear a wisper in my ear "Don't you wanna skip this whole school thing and get to the part where...I DONT KNOW COMPLETE THE PART WHERE YOU TALK TO STAR ?!" says the voice, "____?" I say "YES IT ME , NOW FOLOW ME!"he says ,he stops wispering and he turns into the mysterious man. "Oh. You." I say , he rolls his eyes. He looks at me "we're gonna skip to the part where you and Star talk and just skip the whole high school thing, this was just a little thing to show you in what category you are. ...I wonder how loud I can make you scream in agony..? he says . "wait, What?!" I turn to him "Oh nothing.." he smirks "anyways I'll skip to the part where you talk to Star cause clearly you don't know what to do as a senior!" he makes a circle with his fingers, the circle to turns to a clock, the clocks stick spins around really fast and opens another portal to Stars house. It's been so long sense I've seen my starship.. I set foot on the other side of the portal "Don't blow it . I'll be watching." He says.


What is wrong with Star! Why is she in this mood?! Is she on mewberty again or something! I sit on the couch and turn the TV on , my favorite show comes up, I see this one of the characters,"BUT HER AIM IS GETTIN BETTER!" I laugh I little bit.
I hear footsteps run down the stairs. Oh great more drama!
"Marco!! I'm sorry , I didn't mean to" says Star, she comes all the way down the stairs and hugs me. I blush. NO! No. Marco no!
"What Star! Are you here?, Aren't you busy trying to work your mirror?" I say sarcasticly.

She sighs and puts her hand on my shoulder "Marco,I'm sorry about my attitude earlier, I really didn't mean to." She says ,"Star ,what hit you? Why are you so moody? Did something happen?" I say. "Nothing...I kinda got mad about my room it was very clean and all the sudden is just...messed up!"she says, I snap "So that's why you were mad. Well guess what I could eve gotten more mad at you because I don't know what the heck you did back the park,why you came so late! And all the sudden you just get mad at me for caring about you?! Trying to look for you in every corner of your room?! Is that why your mad at me?" I yell, "Marco please..I'm sorry! I wasnt thinking okay? You do really care about me!" She says. Wow...she though I'd buy- suddenly I feel something warm against my cheek.Her lips.

                                                                                •(Real Star Butterfly)•

I wake up to the sound of noises coming from down stairs. I ignore it and go back to sleep. My door opens up slowly, what's that?! I open my eyes,nothing. I feel like I'm being watched so I slowly turn right side up on my bed and stare at the wall.
"Hello beautiful!" I hear a man. Wait is not a man . MARCO!. My eyes widen and my smile grows bigger. "Oh my God MARCO! Where have you been?!" I say , it try to stand up to give him a warm hug. "At school you silly!" He says while planting a kiss on my cheek. I blush. Suddenly I hear a whisper, "I'll give you more than just friendship..!" The neackles again! "Babe are you okay? You kinda zoned off there.."says Marco "yes I'm fine." I give my a warm smile, I'm so happy everything is different now. My life. My relationship with Marco. My parents. Everything is different now!

A/N: Ayeee whats up guys?!I haven't talked yo u guys in a long time! How's life...ik the season finale..was just heart is not stable! So many feels! AND THE HUG!!! And for dessert freaking Bill is taking over Now! Can we talk about that! And then..peridot...and then RICK MY BABY!! RICK!! yes I'm not stable! I'm dying of the feels! S.O.S

Xoxo~ Me

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