Chapter 17 - Nightmares

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Chapter 17 - Nightmares

            The next morning, my parents kept on treating me with caution as I got ready to head back to Hogwarts. They had asked me questions all night, but I kept on telling them it was just a nightmare and I barely remember it. That finally made them back off for awhile. Although I do remember it, I’m just too scared to admit what I had seen. It had scared me to death. Was Draco Malfoy still some type of follower although Voldermort was dead? I didn’t want to meet him over Easter Break, it made me feel queasy.

            I pulled my trunk downstairs, as I had switched all my old books out with new ones from my mom’s library. We were going to the Potters before leaving for the train station; we were going to have an early lunch get together. After everybody flooed to the Potter house, we all sat our stuff down. Hugo and I started saying hi to all our cousins and such. I shot my parents a look and they were talking to Harry and shooting me worried looks as well. Harry nodded. Most of the girls went into the kitchen to help out with cooking, while a few went to play Quidditch. I went to go to, when I heard Harry behind me “Rose, can I talk to you for a minute?” I nodded and set my broom down. I told them to go ahead and play, I’ll join when I get back.

            Uncle Harry had taken me into his office and we sat down. “So?” I asked.

He stared at me for a second before speaking. “Your parents told me about what happened last night. They said you don’t remember though. I don’t believe you Rose; can you please tell me what’s going on?”

I was playing with hands nervously. “Nothings going on, I already told my parents that it was just a really bad nightmare, I barely even remember it at all.”

He pierced his eyes at me. “Nothing Rose, at all?”

“No, I don’t remember any of it.”

This time, he leaned back in his chair and folded his arms. “You aren’t leaving this room until you tell me what it was about.”

            I stared at him annoyed. “You know, that isn’t very good interviewing skills compared to how many bad guys you have talked too.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Is it?” Then it became very silent, I just sat there messing with my thumbs. After a few minutes passed I got the courage to talk. “Uncle Harry, can I ask you something?”

He thought about it for a minute. “Does it correspond to your dream?”

“Sort of,” I said. He nodded. “I’m listening.”

I took a deep breath. “After the war, I mean; all the people who followed Voldermort, some of them were cleared as innocent right?” Harry nodded. “No one has really told me through my family wise, but I’ve heard that Draco Malfoy used to follow him, and he was cleared as innocent right?”

Harry nodded once more, “Yeah, all charges were cleared. Why are you asking me this Rose?” I sighed in defeat. “In my dream last night, I saw Draco Malfoy; but he wasn’t alone. He was with Voldermort and Voldermort had him kill me. It was so scary, Voldermort had glowing red eyes and this sickening cold voice.” I shivered. “I didn’t want to tell my parents because I didn’t want to freak them out.”

            Now Harry looked concerned. “Voldermort, you saw Voldermort?” I nodded. “Have your parents ever described how he looked or what his voice sounded like, or anybody for a matter of fact?” I shook my head no. He looked truly frightened. “Rose, have you had other bad dreams like this at all?” I thought for a minute.

            “Well, no. I’ve never had dreams of Voldermort or Death Eaters. But a few months ago, I had a bad dream of me almost killing myself.” My Uncle’s eyebrows pushed into each other. “Rose, why didn’t you tell anybody?”

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