Chapter 9 - Waking Up

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Chapter 9 – Waking Up

“Rose, Rose… you really need to get out of bed.” Aria said softly.

I didn’t reply, I didn’t make one idea of movement.

Aria sighed and sat down on the edge of my bed. “Rose, I know you feel… not so good, but you already missed three days of school. When was the last time you ate?”

I shrugged.

She took another sigh, “Rose, if you don’t get up, I mean, you are my best friend and all. But how are you going too heal just lying here? I can’t bare to see you in pain, Thanksgiving is tomorrow. So if you’re not out of bed by dinner tonight, I am going to McGonagall and telling her that you’re not really sick, and you just have been ditching school. Then she will get your parents here, and you will have detention till you die.”

I sat there, finally registering what she said.

I lifted my head a little looking over my shoulder from lying on my stomach, and spoke in my toad like voice.

“I- Do- Not- Care.”

Then turned back over stuffing my face into my pillow, life sucks and then you die.

Aria growled, “I’m not lying, I am going right now, right to McGonagall.”

I shrugged. “Ok, go.”

She looked at me in shock, but then her lips tightened and she left stomping and slamming my common room door.

I snorted into my pillow, its enough that the love of my life dumped me a couple nights ago, but the most beautiful man alive kissed me making it all worse. The kiss we had, it made me feel healed, and all I could dream about is his lips pressed against mine. Every night, I hear the echo of his voice digging into my brain, calling my name. I was falling for him, hard, I admit. But he was just going right back too the regular self after the potion project. I was tired, and hungry, but had no appetite and my mind was too full for sleep. Like I said, life sucks and then you die. What was I going to do now? I can’t show my face, in front of the school, I haven’t dared to hear the rumors now. What does everyone think? I mean, I don’t even know why I kissed Scorpius. I hadn’t even had thoughts of us together since I met him, until the night I kissed him. I cried, I moaned, I didn’t sleep, and I told the truth to Aria. I don’t know when the last time I ate, funny thing actually.

I sighed, deciding it was time to get up and I sat up. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and stretched while standing up. I heard Aria’s boots stomping in.

“-no what? I can’t do it, but I will-” Then she paused looking at me flabbergasted.

“Your right, I was just being a rotten brat, now let me get ready before I go back to bed.” I said sincerely.

She nodded seriously but you could see the small smirk on her face.

I went in the bathroom, combed my hair, brushed my teeth; oh how good it felt! I washed my face and threw on my robes walking out of the bathroom.

“There, am I decent?” I asked. She nodded happily. “Very, now let’s go before we skip breakfast.”

I groaned as she dragged me out of the room by my wrist. “Oh you know you haft too.” I groaned again.

* * *

I walked into the dining hall with my head down, starring at my crossed arms. No, I didn’t want to see the starring; I don’t want to know how worse the rumors have gotten. But when I gave a small peek between my hairs, and just saw the normal mess hall full of loud laughing children. I relaxed a little.

“Look whose back!” Aria cheered to James and Albus. “I told you I would be able to get her up, now pay up!”

They both groaned and put about 5 gallons each in her hand.

I looked at them, a little annoyed. “You bet on me!?”

They all laughed, “Of course not, we bet on Aria being able to get you up, and from the looks of it, it seems she has.”

Albus joked to. “Yeah, Rose hasn’t changed a bit either.”

I smiled and had to sit, but look at my plate full of slimy eggs, I didn’t really want to sit here.

“So,” I muttered, as I let my fork push the food around my plate. “What’s been going on?”

“What kind of going on?” Aria asked. I smiled. “I meant rumors, school rumors.”

“Oh,” James said. “Good, because if you would have asked about school, you would have been able to explain it better even if you didn’t go to the lesson during class.”

I blushed. “Just tell me what’s been going on?”

I sighed. “Well, nothings changed, everyone still thinks you and Malfoy are dating; and the thing that made them worse, Malfoy hasn’t been to classes either, just like you.”

My mouth almost fell open. “Really? Why? When? What do they think? Why do you think he is gone?”

Aria rolled her eyes. “Yes, we are trying to explain, three days ago, they think you two met up with each other the missing days, and the same reason you were gone.”

I blushed looking down. “What did happen? Aria won’t tell us, she has her mouth zipped up.” James said.

I smiled. “Well, secrets are meant to be a secret.”

James eyebrows rose. “So the rumors are true?!”

My eyebrows went in to each other. “Of course not! Its something between me and Aria only, you would go bonkers if you knew! Now leave me alone!” I barked.

And stomped off into the empty hallways of Hogwarts.

* * *

“Miss. Weasley, come here!” My potions teacher called out, as I was walking down the hallways.

I sighed as I turned around and walked up to him. “Yes Professor?”

He pushed his glasses up. “Well, as I can account, the whole class has turned their potion idea in to me already, I understand you both Malfoy and Weasley have been sick the past few days, but if you don’t have your essay about what your potion will be, I only have a desire for a Troll on your first assignment. Either turn it in, or my threat will be complete.”

And he walked off, blue robes flying behind him. I growled under my breath, they never can give me break, can they?


Ah! So sorry for not uploading, pleease forgive me? I asked for 6 votes last time and got 20! :D So this time, i promise to upload on time, 10 votes? Love you all! :)

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