Chapter 15 - Dramatic Days

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Chapter 15 – Dramatic Days

            I woke up to someone shaking me, and when my eyes fluttered open, James was standing over me saying something. I rubbed my eyes and yawned, “What?” James sighed. “I said: we’re going to be at the train station in a few minutes; make sure you have all you’re stuff ready.” I yawned one more time and nodded. When I looked outside the window; the sky was a nice dark violet. I felt the glass and it was freezing cold; so I grabbed my sweater and slipped it on. Taking my book from the seat, I chucked it back in my suitcase and closed it.

            The train slowly stopped after a few minutes of waiting; I grabbed my items and clambered off, Hugo right behind me. The weather outside was freezing; I shivered and looked around searching for my parents. When I finally found them, showed Hugo, and raced to reach them. My mom was standing near the platform in a corner, probably trying to avoid the wind. I didn’t see my dad, so most likely, he was at home after having a long day of work or on some secret mission; being an auror and all.

            “Hey mom,” I greeted her. She smiled and replied “Do you guys have all your items, suitcase, prank items, (she looked at Hugo) books?” (Eyes flashed towards me) My mom looked down at my brother’s empty owl cage. “Please don’t tell me you lost Robin again!” Hugo grinned and shook his head, “No, just on a trip right now.”

My mom looked us over once more, ‘No bruises, cuts, piercings, tattoos?’ She always acted this way. Her eyes warmed when we promised everything was okay. “I’ve missed you guys so much, and look at you Rose; your hair has gotten longer!” Oh, usual mom.

            When the line to get out of the platform had disappeared, my family (minus my dad) went through and then apperated home. Because my parents put a anti-apperation charm over our house, we landed on a dirt road that led through a snowy forest; it was dark and cold. We went inside, took off our jackets and put away our items, and then sat next to the fire place drinking hot chocolate and snuggled in a warm blanket.

            My house was a two story house in the middle of a forest; my parents love the winter because after we decorate the house; look’s like a Christmas wonderland. Our house is somewhere near London; it’s a soft gray wooded house, with white framed windows. We have six bedrooms (my dad makes a good amount of money, and my mom likes to work several days a week at Saint. Mungos) One is my brothers, one is mine, one is my parents; we have our own small library in another, then there’s my parents office, and one as a guest room. Four upstairs, and two downstairs; then we have my mom’s stainless steel, baby blue, kitchen; dark red wall’s in the living room with white carpet, and the dining room was black and beige designed wallpaper; with a matching black table set. My parents can be very imaginative at times, and they had completely different ideas and finally agreed on picking out which room they wanted to decorate. It was called sharing


            I woke up the next morning and looked out the window; snow was falling very lightly, although the ground was already covered in snow, outside looked beautiful. Grabbing my towel, tooth brush, and razor, (I would do it by magic, but I am still sixteen) and got in the shower. For some reason, I had this nervous feeling in my gut, like something important was supposed to happen today. Then I froze; I had forgotten to tell my parents that my boyfriend was coming to stay with us! Rushing my shower, (and barely missing a cut from my razor) I got out, dried my hair, got dressed, and ran downstairs for breakfast.

            My mom had steaming pancakes on the table, with some bacon and eggs. As she set down the pitcher of orange juice, I grabbed a chair and started stacking my plate with food. As the boys slowly (and still half asleep) dragged themselves down stairs, I tried to form the words in my mind of what I was supposed to say.

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