Chapter 10 - Cold

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Chapter 10 - Cold


“Hey, hey!” I was shaken awake. “Rose, wake up!”

I blinked twice, the glow of the almost burnt out fire in the common room, made me feel blind.

“What?” I groaned. Some girl in blue pajamas shoved a note in my dead hands; “You have a note.”

I blinked again, what time was it? “Well, got to go!” And the girl dashed out of the room, probably a Ravenclaw. I sat up; the last thing I remembered was reading a book around four in the afternoon. My sight was all blurry; I searched the room finding the open book lying on the carpet. I picked it up losing the spot and setting it on the table. I stood up and stretched, I wobbled to the bathroom rinsing my face with cold water. The water helped me wake up more and my vision cleared as well. I sighed, dried my face and hands; I then picked up the letter. It was from Professor McGonagall, confused, I opened it:

Dear Ms.Weasley,

            I dare say that I need to talk to you in private, for a special matter that shall not be told in front or any where else. Meet me in the empty classroom on level 2, I will see you at 9:00 evening. Be there soon as possible.



            Professor McGonagall.


Very confused, I closed the letter and looked at the nearest clock; it was 9:30! I ran in the bathroom, brushed my hair back in a very frizzy bun, then threw on my slippers; since I was wearing my night gown. I ran out of the portrait, the castle was very dim; for the torches were lowered to a small flame. I found level 2 no problem and found the empty classroom as well. When I entered, I could see nothing but the half moon shining through the dusty window. Then the door shut behind me, making me scream and jump. “Calm down rose! I didn’t mean to scare you.” Scorpius’s voice came.

            I went from scared to very angry at once, “Where the heck is Professor McGonagall.” He gave me a weird look, and then started laughing. “You fell for that? I wasn’t expecting you to come after thirty minutes passed; I thought you wouldn’t fall for it.” I was very confused and annoyed at the same time. “What do you mean?”

“What do I mean?” He repeated with a smile rising on his lips. “What I mean is: I sent you that letter because I knew you would never come if I put ‘signed by Scorpius’, and so I signed McGonagall. I thought you weren’t tricked.”

I sighed, but then I became embarrassed. “Why would you think I wouldn’t come?”

“Do you really want me to tell you why?” He answered crossing his arms.

“Yes.” I answered immediately.

“Fine, but I am pretty sure you should know why.” I blushed.

“Well,” he started. “It was pretty easy to figure out why you missed the first day of school, you know...” He made a noise as if un-clogging his throat. “Right, but then you missed the second, even when your grandma almost died from a huge contagious disease, you never; I repeat, never missed a second day of school.” But before he could continue, I interrupted him. “You remember that?"

"What?" He said confused.

"We were in what, our first year? I thought only my friends knew about that.” I said. He just rolled his eyes, but I swore he was covering up something. “Word gets around; do you seriously think there is no such thing as rumors in Hogwarts?”

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