Chapter 14 - Terrible Liar

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Chapter 14 – Terrible Liar

            As a very dim light casted through my dormitory window and my new alarm started going off, I slowly opened my eyes and pulled back the curtains to my bed. The first thing I noticed was the weather outside; light gray clouds leaking soft snowflakes that fell onto the Hogwarts grounds grass, but then slowly melted. A light smile formed onto my face, I loved winter, especially Christmas; and not just because of the presents. I have always loved the hot chocolate, the beautiful lights that most people decorated their houses with, the silly stories of a man named Santa Clause my mom tells every year, just for the joy of it; and my most favorite thing were the snowball fights, I really loved the snowball fights.

            I stood up and stretched with a big yawn, and went to go get ready for today; today was a Saturday, which meant I had all day to spend with Scorpius. Over excited, I jumped into the shower (although it would have been safer to step in), got dressed in a long sleeved shirt that was decorated with dark red and green stripes, some skinny jeans, and my normal ruby colored shoes. More quickly then usual, I threw my hair into a messy bun (which looked quite nice surprisingly) and headed off to breakfast, passing all the sleeping girls in the dormitory.

            Walking into the Great Hall, I wasn’t surprised to find very few people here; it was still very early in the morning. Though, there was one thing that had surprised me, Aria was already here and was reading the Quibbler. I went and grabbed a seat right in front of her and started to grab handfuls of food from the golden plates and put them on my own plate. Grabbing a fork, I quickly dug in: pancakes, lizard sausage, scrambled eggs, bacon, diced potatoes with yam and gravy. As I took a bite of sausage, I looked up to see Aria starring at me wide eyed and her mouth left agape. Taking a quick drink of pumpkin juice, I swallowed and asked “What?” Aria blinked quickly a few times, shook her head, and went back to the Quibbler. “What?” I repeated a bit louder. Aria just set down her magazine, folded her hands and looked at me. “So you’re talking to me again?”

            I thought of what to say for a moment and then decided on the simplest answer. “What?”

Aria sighed loudly. “Rose, when was the last time we talked?” I had to rack my brain that time, “Yesterday, in Potions.”

She stared at me like I was psycho, “We don’t have Potions together.” Right, that must have been Clarisse… Aria laughed like she couldn’t believe me, grabbed her stuff and walked away madly. Shocked, I got up and ran after her. “Aria,” I yelled once we got out of the Great Hall, “I don’t know what I did wrong, what’s your problem?” She stopped in her tracks, and turned around slowly; an expression on her face I have never seen before.

“My problem?” she spoke quietly. “What is my problem?” The sarcasm was thick on her voice. “Yeah…” I muttered. She looked at me like she couldn’t believe I was there or something. “You have been ditching me for over a month, have you realized that at all? You haven’t talked to anyone for over a month; you have been emo for at least over a month! You don’t hang out with anyone, I see you in class and at night when we go to sleep. Where do you go to everyday? I thought we were best friends!” She was so mad tears pricked at the edge of her eyes. “We were like sisters, then you have some freak accident with a boy and ditch me like I am some stranger; then turn around and act like nothing has happened. I know I may be over reacting, but still, it hurts!” She looked sad and mad at the same time.

            Not knowing how to register her words and I felt really bad, I replied very duly “I had plans to hang out with someone today, but I can cancel and hang out with you and stuff…” Aria still seemed a bit confused. “Plans... with whom? I haven’t seen you hang out with anyone lately except a book and your imaginary friend!” I think that was a hint that I was a loner…

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