Chapter 13 - I Have a Problem

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Chapter 13 – I Have a Problem

            The pounding in my ears were enough to make someone scream in agony, the silence of the dead night was maddening, and my headache seemed to not get any better since it had started two hours ago. I was propped up against a pillow on the Gryffindor couch, a Quill twirling in my hand with a blank piece of parchment in my lap. My uncle had replied to a message I had sent him yesterday, telling me if I had a problem, it would be best to write it down then have it on your mind all the time; because somewhere in the back of your mind, that nagging feeling of wanting to tell someone your problems, will disappear.

            Yet, that pain shooting across my scalp was not helping me put my problems into words, much less, write it down. Giving up, I angrily threw my items on the table in front of the burning fire. What was my problem again? That was the problem; I feel as if I have a problem, but searching my mind for hours, I still haven’t found the stupid problem!

            Yes, I have a boyfriend now that I am not aloud to tell anyone about. Check. My friends have been ignoring me for rumors running around the school. Check. Whispers of my name running down the hallway not allowing me to focus outside or inside the classroom. Check. Those aren’t the problems though, I really don’t care about those petty little things, and I have gotten used to them. If I had no problem, why was I so confused and disoriented at the time?

            The last few weeks have been awesome, sneaking around dating my awesomely hot boyfriend, running about the castle after hours, kissing and chasing each other. Every time something had went wrong, Scorpius had always fixed it. Then again, every time I think of us having a problem, started about three days ago; every time I see him, my stomach gives a jolt and I quickly avoid him.Why?

            My eyes growing too heavy, I collected my things and trudged myself upstairs to my bed, dropped everything in my trunk and crashed into bed, in a sleep, that started with a dream.


“Dammit Malfoy!” I yelled throwing a vile of shredded unicorn horn all over the floor.

“Dammit Weasley!” He mocked me, picking up a vile of giant tears throwing them too the floor as well.

I groaned frustrated. “If you wanted to be such a rude, slime ball, of a Slytherin, you could have just told me instead of wasting your time being nice! A deal? With trying to date me? While you have a girlfriend?”

He chuckled wickedly, “You had no heart, just did it for the brains, and you never loved me! You were just as slimy as I was! With a boyfriend as well!”

“Wrong!” I yelled back. “I broke up with him the second after you kissed me! And now you think I am so special? You only did it for money, which hurt Malfoy, it hurt badly!”

But he didn’t smirk this time; he looked at the ground confused. “Know what Weasley, your right, it does hurt badly. I feel the same, why don’t we act as if any of this, never happened. Alright Weasley?”

Do I really want that? All the times he held my hand, the warmth of his that spread through mine. All the times he kissed me, touched me, which gave me hope and a smile to my face. Do I really want us to end? I loved him, I truly do, but I found out the truth, and the truth was something that I didn’t like, but had to handle. I was gasping for air, thinking of us splitting, me, a Gryffindor, found love with a Slytherin. But the question was, did he love me? I put the second vile of unicorn horn on the table slowly; I closed my eyes stopping the tears, while I was in front of him.

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