Chapter 4 - Explosions

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Chapter 4 – Explosions


“I don’t know,” I said nervously. “Are you sure we should put in rats tail? It sure doesn’t make it seem… Drinkable.”

Malfoy scoffed as he added it anyways. “Does any potion seem drinkable?”

I thought for a second. “Well… I guess your right, but why add though?”

He shrugged. “Rats tail is supposed to decrease the chance of hair growth; you don’t want a beard do you?”

“Why would your potion idea deal with hair growth?”

“Because I added the pixie wing, wow you’re slow.”

I sighed and plopped back down in my chair, looking at my nails out of boredom. It was supposed to be a group project, not a Malfoy project.

“So why don’t you tell me about that Rodney kid.” Malfoy said.

I huffed. “You mean my boyfriend, and that kid you are responding too, is a year older than you. Alright?”

He rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”

“Alright, well, Rodney and I started dating two years ago; do you remember the first dance Hogwarts ever had? Well, he asked if I would meet him at the tree near the lake at midnight. Of course, it was weird, since I never really talked too him since I started school. But Aria, my best friend, talked me into going. “So I did, and I glad I had, I found out it was a full moon that night. So the moon shined against the Hogwarts ground, and shimmered against the lake. He asked me too sit against the tree trunk with him, so I did. Then he got out a little necklace, its was shaped as a diamond, pure gold. With a little diamond shaped diamond in the middle of the diamond. “It twinkled in the moon light, then he asked me too the dance. That was the best night ever, after the dance, he asked me out. Then last year, we broke up because his parents moved to the United States, and couldn’t afford the money too send him on a train, then too Hogwarts. “So he switched wizard schools, you know. He would disapperate with his parents, but they are muggles.”

“Ick- He’s a mudblood?” Malfoy scowled.

I sighed angrily. “Do you want to hear the rest or not?”

“Fine, go on!” He said a little angry as well.

“Anyways, I cried for about a week, but go over it. You know? But when he saw me this morning, he told me that he saved up his own money over the summer and was able to pay for his own plane. I am guessing he didn’t like his last school, plus he missed me.”

“Whats a plane may I ask? I wasn’t in the mood to ask in your little speech just a minute ago.” He said.

I rolled my eyes. “Right, you’re a pureblood. My bad, it a big metal tube, with metal wings on it, so it can fly. Their seats inside, then a captain, it cost a lot of money now and days for a plane ticket.”

“Right, what were you saying again?”

“Oh yeah,” I said. “Like I was saying, then he gave me the bracelet, and now I am wearing to things that are precious too me.”

“Is that it?” He asked.

“Well, yeah. You cut in on the end of it, but yeah. So now me and him are back together again, he did arrive a little late this year, but I guess it’s alright. My parents love him, especially my mom. Since she is a muggle born as well, they discussed for hours about how different things were in the wizard world. And my dad is still fascinated with muggle items, asking if he could bring some things from his house. But that’s it, I love him and now, I and he are going to go on our fifth date in Hogsmeade on Halloween. Then-”

Malfoy added a drop of centaur tears and the thing started bubbling like mad.


His eyes widened when he noticed the problem, he grabbed me by my shoulder sleeve and got me out just in time before the whole classroom blew up into smithereens. Teachers came running in of all sorts, the Rodney came running as well, and he picked me up and gave me a quick hug. “Are you alright? Did you get hurt? Who did this? Malfoy?” He asked.

I shook my head, coughing, because my face was all black, from the smoke. I mean, I wasn’t that far from the explosions, only in the door way. You don’t expect me too not get some leftovers, do you?

“N- No, I’m ok, just, a little sprouted up.” I answered.

“Good.” He puffed and gave me another hug, and so did I.

Then I heard someone coughing as well, while all the teacher were in the classroom putting out the smoke.

I let go of Rodney and looked at the floor.

“Your-” Cough, cough. “Welcome.” Malfoy said.

Then I got mad all of a sudden. “Dummy! You were supposed to discuss what you put in before you do it! Centaur tears are very rare and dangerous! Only meant for the werewolf potion that keeps them tame! Do you have any brain? You said you were a professional at it! Now look what you’ve done!”

He didn’t answer, just laid on the ground starring at the ceiling breathing hard.

Professor Richan came walking out of the black smoke room, coughing.

“Well… I did say it was dangerous. Good thing it wasn’t in your common room; that would have been horrible.” He shook his head. “I am not mad though, you hard permission from your parents. But just in case, I need you two too go to the hospital wing, the smoke could trigger something. Hopefully it won’t, please Mr. Ragner, take Miss. Weasley and Mr. Malfoy to the hospital wing.”

“Yes Professor.” Rodney said.

Then Professor Richan left, Rodney took my hand and then yelled over his shoulder. “Hurry up Malfoy.” And we were gone.

“Hey,” I said letting go of Rodney’s hand. “You should be nice to him, I know he is my worlds most hated person. But he just saved my life while he was in the blast, you should be more grateful.”

He sighed. “Sorry Rose.”

* * * * * * * * *

“So I heard Rodney is back.” Aria said.

I couldn’t help but flash a smile as I made apples and peanut butter.

“Yeah, well, can’t deny that, he is the love of my life.” I said.

She rolled her eyes. “Anyways, I found something weird going on right now… Your eating?”

I laughed, “Well, I would be in the library, but after last night. I would rather get a Troll than get exploded again. I was in the hospital twice, and we have only been here three days.”

Aria sighed and sipped her pumpkin juice, and then she nudged me in the shoulder.

“What?” I asked.

She giggled and pointed too the Slytherin table. “Looks like someone is looking at you,”

I stared up to see Malfoy starring, but once he caught my glare he looked down at his plate. “It seems so…” I whispered.

Aria just giggled again. “Be careful Malfoy, don’t accidentally drop a peanut into your goblet and explode the whole dining hall.”

I turned my head slowly too her, we looked at each other for a second, and then started laughing our heads off.

“Why a peanut?”

“I don’t know!”

We laughed harder.

Then my great old cousin walked up to me, and I stopped laughing immediately.

“Rose? Are you alright? Or did that potion bomb last night turn out to be laughing gas?” Albus asked.

We started to laugh again.

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