Chapter 19 - Right in the Crotch

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Chapter 19 - Right in the Crotch

The next few weeks went by fast until it was the beginning of February. Rose was mostly distracted by homework the teachers had decided to pile the students full with. If one was looking for her, you could find her either in the library, or passed out in front of the common room fire, with an open book as a pillow. With homework (on which Rose’s mom would never forgive her if she had the potential in getting good grades, but had not), she had no time on visiting Scorpius or able to hang out with him. She still had class time, but only one-third of her classes were with him, so if wasn’t that much time.

Luckily, the next Hogsmeade visit had landed on Valentines day, (Rose couldn’t understand how something could have that much luck), so Hogsmeade would be full of dates, googly eyed girls, and a lot of snogging children.

Rose had to admit, she wasn’t looking forward to it.

So when Scorpius had asked her, it would be rude not to say no, but she couldn’t help it.

“Um, wow. Uh…” Rose was blushing beyond belief. They were standing inside of the clock tower, the loud noise of ticking just above their heads. Scorpius had dragged her here right after classes for some alone time for once.

“Is there something wrong?” He asked.

“Oh, well. It’s sweet and all. I mean, who would have thought? Being asked to the Hogsmeade visit that somehow un-ironically fell on Valentines day, on a Saturday, with your boyfriend. It’s sweet, yes. But… I just don’t feel like dealing with all the annoying couples, and people holding hands, and the… uh…” Rose watched Scorpius’ face. She would have expected him to get angry, or agitated with her.

He hadn’t. “Oh, that’s fine. I was kind of hoping you wouldn’t want to go actually.” His faced seemed amused. “So what do you want to do on that day then? And no, I will not let you take off to the library to do the homework that I darn well know you do not have.”

Rose blushed some more, but then playfully hit his arm. “You know that’s not true.”

“Maybe…” He teased. Scorpius leaned up to her, and their lips met. It was soft and playful, and he quickly stopped. “Alrighty, so I’ll see you this Saturday? I’ll wait for you in front of the great hall, then we can do whatever.” He grabbed her hand and squeezed it, before he slowly began to walk away.

“Wait,” Rose grabbed his wrist. “Where are you going?”

He rolled his eyes. “Not everyone can have free time like you Princess, I have quidditch practice to get to. Trust me, the captain won’t be happy with me, I’m already five minutes late.”

“Oh..” Rose tried not to blush again.

He chuckled, and he kissed her again, not as soft this time, and it lasted longer.

“I’ll be done soon. Just keep your weekend open for me, alright?” And he quickly disappeared.

Rose just stood there with a giddy smile on her face.


The day before Valentines day went by slow. The classes were boring, they were given pounds of homework, and the teachers were being extra annoying. Many of the kids ignored all of this though, excited for the next day to come. Rose was busy chilling with her Gryffindor friends, now that Aria was dating Charles (their date had went very well), all of Charles’ friends now hung around the sixth years, mostly just Rose and Aria though, because Charles always hung around us. From what Rose knew, his friends were pretty cool. After dinner, they all head up to the common room, and played a few games of exploding snap and chess. As it started to get late, everybody said goodnight and headed to their dorms. Rose decided to stay behind and read a book, something on potions, as that was her favorite subject.

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