Chapter 8 - Rumors

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Chapter 8 – Rumors


Walking down the hallway, late for class, I should have been running. But for the truth, I was too tired too.

I walked around a corner groggily I heard girls giggling, I was about too walk right past them when I heard my name. I tend not to eaves drop, but have you ever not when you heard your name between two people you don’t know? I didn’t think so. So I jumped right back behind the corner, like déjà vu, but at a different place

“-ose Weasley was secretly dating Scorpius Malfoy? People are saying they secretly met last night and had a little kissing session.” The blond giggled.

“Really?” The brown headed one gasped. “A Slytherin and a Gryffindor? While she has a boyfriend? Oh!”

“Yeah,” The other one said excited. “Best news yet this year, I heard that Roses boyfriend Rodney was going to be told that Rose is cheating on him at lunch.”

“Oh my gosh! Who’s telling him?”

The blond shrugged, “All I know is that they almost kissed on the field yesterday, and she thought no one notice. How could you not? And the funny thing is that it was supposed too be going on for awhile now! They have been secretly dating for more than a year.”

The other giggled, “So all their fights have been fake? What about the potion explosion?”

“It was said they were too busy snogging each other too notice their cauldron was too hot, I find it really fascinating. This is going to be everywhere; I wonder how her parents will react.”

“Shoo! Get too your classes, your late, detention, for both of you!” McGonagall’s voice came.

My eyes widened and I ran the other direction, still very tired, but my eyes were wide, in shock.

* * * * * * * * * *

I sat down at my lunch table nervously, looking both ways; the whole table seemed to be starring at me… in silence.

“What?” I asked offended.

All the kids just shook their heads in disgust and started talking and eating again.

I turned too Aria, my eyes feeling a little tight and watery.

“What did I do?” I whispered.

She sighed setting down her goblet of pumpkin juice. “Everyone thinks you betrayed them by cheating on the star Gryffindor pupil with a Slytherin.”

“But I didn’t!” I piped a little louder than I meant.

Aria shrugged. “The rumors are everywhere; I even heard your brother Hugo was sending your parents an owl letter tonight.”

“NO!” I gasped. The whole table turned too me, “Oops, sorry.” I apologized too them. They all rolled their eyes and starting eating again.

“Aria,” I asked.


I thought for a second, “Remind me too talk to Scorpius, he has a lot in for him.”

Aria smiled, and nodded, although, I didn’t expect what happened that night.

* * * * * * * * * * *

“Rodney, you know I didn’t do it,”

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