Chapter 6 - Owlery

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Chapter 6 – Owlery

“Dammit Malfoy!” I yelled throwing a vile of shredded unicorn horn all over the floor.

“Dammit Weasley!” He mocked me, picking up a vile of giant tears throwing them too the floor as well.

I groaned frustrated. “If you wanted to be such a rude, slime ball, of a Slytherin, you could have just told me instead of wasting your time being nice! A deal? With trying to date me? While you have a girlfriend?”

He chuckled wickedly, “You had no heart, just did it for the brains, and you never loved me! You were just as slimy as I was! With a boyfriend as well!”

“Wrong!” I yelled back. “I broke up with him the second after you kissed me! And now you think I am so special? You only did it for money, which hurt Malfoy, it hurt badly!”

But he didn’t smirk this time; he looked at the ground confused. “Know what Weasley, your right, it does hurt badly. I feel the same, why don’t we act as if any of this, never happened. Alright Weasley?”

Do I really want that? All the times he held my hand, the warmth of his that spread through mine. All the times he kissed me, touched me, which gave me hope and a smile to my face. Do I really want us to end? I loved him, I truly do, but I found out the truth, and the truth was something that I didn’t like, but had to handle. I was gasping for air, thinking of us splitting, me, a Gryffindor, found love with a Slytherin. But the question was, did he love me? I put the second vile of unicorn horn on the table slowly; I closed my eyes stopping the tears, while I was in front of him.

I nodded, turned around and walked ten agonizing steps too the classroom door.

“Good by Scorpius.” I whispered, although I knew he wouldn’t hear me.

I knew I loved him, but it was too late. I already had messed everything up; I missed him already, every second away from him felt like pain. But this had to be done, loving him was the hardest thing anyone could do. And I put up with that pain, for him, for me.

I finally found the fat lady portrait, and stood there just starring at her.

“Well?” She asked offended. “What’s the password?”

But I couldn’t find my voice, so I just slid down slowly too the floor, against the railing. Wrapped my arms around my knees; set my chin on them and cried into my hands, harder then I have ever done in my life. The lump in my throat wouldn’t go away; we were doing just fine the last week as a couple. I buried my face into my hands, making tears spill as much as I could. I didn’t want to be cured, I just wanted pain, pain that I knew I deserved for knowing, and loving him was a cruel thing to do. But I still did it, I loved him with all the might that my heart could give, but would I have enough strength to ask him? No, I already knew that answer. I couldn’t stand too say that we were apart, loving him, that’s all I could think about. Every touch, every time I gazed into his dark green, pine tree eyes. I took out my wand, and pointed it too my chest, would I be able to do it?

I loved him, but my family didn’t care, before this night, all my friends betrayed me.

I closed my eyes, stood up and took a nice deep breath.



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Three Weeks Earlier

“You know Malfoy?” I asked twisting my wand between my fingertips. “What?” He asked raising an eyebrow with that famous smirk.

“Did it ever occur to you, why you’ve been so nice the past couple days?”

He just shrugged. “Well, I don’t want a T, and it would be horrible to be cooked into a potion, so if I be mean to you, my life would have been over already. Being nice is the only thing to do until the potion project is over.”

My breath stopped out of no where; did my heart just skip a beat?

“So,” I creaked. “You’re saying that you’re just going to go back to teasing me?”

He shrugged again, not even catching my wheezing. “What can I say? Got to keep my reputation.”

“I got to go.” I muttered, standing up quicker then anyone could.

“What do you mean you haft to go? We’re in the middle of Magical creature class or whatever you call it. The big oaf Hagrid will be disappointed.”

I shrugged walking away from the lesson. “I need a break Malfoy, just… give me a little bit, alright?”

He nodded, and slumped back against the tree trunk we were sitting against.

I ran into the castle, too the bathrooms, what was he doing to me? No boy has affected me, ever, like this. Thinking about him teasing me again wanted to bring tears to the edge of my eyelids. I closed my eyes and splashed water onto my face.

Get a hold of yourself Rose; you have a boyfriend, your fine.

I grabbed a piece of paper towel and wiped my face, and walked out briskly of the girl’s bathroom.

I looked around, about another thirty minutes of classroom time, and I already missed too much of mine to go back. So what do I do now?

I decided this could be a great time too send a note too my uncle, my parents would freak out if I told them, I needed to talk too Uncle Harry, he is the only one who understands me. I ran too the Owlery, I sat on a step, took out a piece of parchment, a quill with ink from my bag. And wrote:

Dear Harry Potter,

Hey what’s up? Right, so as you are guessing, I haven’t told my parents yet. But of course I would talk too you first But, you should know by Albus, but we are making our own potions. And each of us gets our own partner, and I am guessing no one has told you mine yet have they? Well, he is Scorpius Malfoy, I know, what are the odds?

Well, after we became partners, the teasing stopped, and he became nice. Even saved me from an exploding potion, but as you may know. Rodney is back, yes, but Scorpius; oops, sorry, I mean. Malfoy, told me, after we get the grade, he is just going back to his usual self. I don’t know why this effects me so much that I haft to write too you. I am scared to tell my parents, because they will be scared and worried for me. Because, red and green don’t mix… well, only at Christmas they do, but still. They will freak out because… I think crushing on Malfoy won’t help me at all. So what do I do? Please send your regards truthfully. Thanks!

Your Beloved Freshly Cut,



I sealed it up, wrote the name on front, picked a random owl and sent it on its way.

Maybe Harry will help me, yeah, maybe he will.

I small smile crept on my lips, and turned around to run into someone unexpectedly.

“Seriously James?” I screamed. “You freaking gave me a heart attack!”

He shrugged with a smile on his lips, please with himself for scaring me even if it is by accident.

 “Oh, that’s nice. But I am in here for a reason, sending a letter, same as you. But you know, I am head boy, and its my turn to walk the halls, since its my free period. So I expect you too go back to class before I give you detention.” He said with a smirk.

I groaned, “Yeah, whatever Potter.”

He chuckled and whistled for his owl, but I couldn’t help but smile either, I just love my cousins.

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